Cyber Inquiry 1: Lyme Disease and ELISA

Directions : The following is a collaborative inquiry related to our ELISA lab. Lyme disease is a concern in our part of the United States. One of the clinical uses for ELISA is to detect Lyme Disease. Work in your group ( Groups were previously chosen) to investigate this important medical issue. Your group will make an educational video presentation about Lyme Disease to be published on YouTube! Let' Go, get your team going! ( You may choose to work individually, but report this to me and your chosen group) You can try collaborating by email or TRY Google Meet Hangouts

Product : A Google Site with information typed and a YouTube video embedded. Include digital microscope images from web sources,too. Do credit sources with APA on the site.


Cyber WEEK ONE :

READ and take notes : Medical Notes :

Lyme Disease produces a classic sign, the "Bull's Eye " rash . A Patient who may have Lyme Disease , but may not have the classic rash. A blood sample is sent to the lab.

  • The ELISA test is done, but a false- negative is possible if the infection is in the early stages.

  • A second test that confirms Lyme Disease is the Western Blot Test.

  • It is very difficult to culture or grow the bacteria. It is possible to get a sample of the bacteria from the fluid in a joint.

A.The Vector : Reasearch and Answer these questions on a Google Doc to be submitted

on Classroom

1. What is a vector?

2.What is the genus and species and kingdom of the organism which is the vector for Lyme Disease? Get a picture of the organism.

3.What is the geographical range in the US for the organism? Get a map and describe the range.

4. What is the life cycle of the organism?

5. Get a diagram of the body parts of the organism.

B. The Cause:

1. What is the genus and species, and Kingdom of the organism which causes the disease in North America?

2. Who was the organism named after?

3. Where was the disease first identified?

END OF WEEK ONE : Submit work on Classroom by the date listed.

Cyber Week Two:

C. Symptoms and Diagnosis:

1. Describe the symptoms and provide photos of the classic skin condition.

2. What are some of the possible clinical tests to be done?

D. Co-Infection: Up to fifty percent of Lyme Disease cases involve a co-infection transmitted by the same vector. A blood borne parasite which is a Protist is transmitted causing Babesiosis. Research and explain this co-infection in your project.

Image result for Babesiosis

D. Treatments :

Describe how Lyme Disease can be treated.

E . VIRTUAL LAB : Get a digital image of the disease causing bacterium, Borrelia burgdoferi

1. Get a measurement of the length of a single bacterium in micrometers.

2. Insert the photo on to the web site that you create. You may edit the image and crop it to increase the magnification. You should have a caption for the picture.

( Magnification, who took it, identification)

3. Get a digital image of the Vector, Ixodes sp. in LOW power . Include a caption and labels.

END of CYBER Week Two : Submit work on Classroom by the due date listed


F: Web Site and Video : This is where you can get creative. You must present the information researched about Lyme disease, the tick, the bacteria and the ELISA test. How you structure it is flexible. You should include digital images, researched information, and your video. Your audience is the general public, your purpose is to provide useful information about Lyme Disease.

The Video : Some ideas : 1. Make a role-playing video with a doctor, patient and lab technician.

2. Make an information video with a lecture .

3. Make an entertaining video with a tick puppet or some one dress as a tick...use your imagination.

It would be a good idea to make a plan for the video, including a script.

END of Week Three: Submit a link to the video on Classroom by the listed due date.