Medical Inquiry TWO : Pathology
A. Reading Pathologist's Medical Cases :
Work in a TEAM to review the slide set and eight cases from the Pathologist. Each person is responsible for reviewing Two cases. Follow the procedure listed below for part 1. Microscopy and Part 2. Web Research
Pathologist's Cases : Documents
Example Document : Case One
Pathology Notes : Notes
Lung tissue
1. Microscopy :
a. Compound Microscope :
1.) Observe your human tissue slide under low power and make a drawing.
2.) Observe it under high power or medium ( 100x ) and make a drawing.
Make observational notes on PAPER. You will need to take a photo and add it to a Google Web Page .
b. Get two digital microscopic images of your one slide, so , two total images. One labeled image should be taken with the advanced digital microscope using Windows.
SAMPLE : Research Histology of your tissues and Pathology , compare them to your images to identify structures. EXAMPLE
Directions for the Advanced Windows Microscope : Directions
1.) One Low Power (40x) Label it ...
2.) One High Power 400x ( or Medium (100x)
Label it, take measurements. Labels would be the name of the disease and case number, magnification and two identifiable features and your name.
Look for the tissue that looks unusual or different from the rest of the tissue on the slide.
Use web resources to compare histology images, use the medical textbooks, and the histology slides.
Insert the digital photo into a Google Drawing. Submission of the images will be electronic, on a Google Site ( Web Page).
2. Web Research : Review the case description from the Pathologist. List the case number
Do collect information about your source and report your sources in APA format as a works cited . You do not need parenthetical notations, but can do them if you wish.
a. Create a Google Document : Define any medical terms found in the case.
b. Attempt to identify structures described in the case on your digital images of the slides. The slides show healthy tissue and diseased tissue.
c. Find the symptoms, tests for the condition, prognosis, and treatments. Briefly describe each of these.
d. Use the web to find diagrams of the affected organ and tissues. ( see the example case one above.)
3. Web Page :
The final product is a student made web page with information about the case. The individual student makes their own web page on their case. The images and web research should be included.
Project Rubric
OTHER Pathology Slides Available : Prepared Carolina Biological Slides : You will be investigating a particular disease. All of the diseases will have a microscope slide associated with it . You will be assigned one from the following list :
1. Arterial Occlusion of the Heart
2. Pinworm infestation of the Appendix
3. Skin cancer
4. Lung cancer
5. Breast cancer
6. Stomach cancer
7. Lung emphysema
8. Skin gangrene
9. Kidney cancer
10. Brain meningitis
11.Cirrhosis of liver
12. Thyroid Goiter
13. Lung infarction ( necrosis)
14. Liver cancer
4. Alternate Project may be assigned: Prepare a 5 to 10 minute presentation. You will present a profile of the assigned disease to the class.
a. A Google Presentation is expected.
- Put YOUR digital microscope image in your presentation.
- Pages should be clear from the back of class, choose a large font, limit the wording per page.
- One graphic is required per page. This may be a photo, clipart, graph or other image.
SUBMIT THE Google Presentation FILE On Google Classroom
b. A hand-out or Google survey quiz is
required which has questions about your presentation.
c. Speak clearly and loud enough to be heard from the back of class. Engage the class in the presentation; move around, pause, assess people's understanding and readiness to proceed. Repeat key concepts and terms.
Student Google : Forms
5. A Quiz or Test will be given on the materials from the presentations.