Cleavage of DNA with Restriction Enzymes LAB Prep

As the semester ends, some students need extrinsic motivation.  There is a 20 point Lab Performance score.  Just do your work and score 20 points; or lose 20 points for not doing your work.

As we start to investigate this topic, there is some background information to explore.

Please complete this pre-lab as part of  the lab Inquiry:

Use the web to read about the topics and to answer the questions below.   There may be a quiz on this information and the lab procedure.


1. What is a use for "cleavage of DNA"?

2. We are using Tris-acetate-EDTA with a pH of 7.8 as our buffer.  Describe its properties.  Also, explain what is meant by pH, and a pH of 7.8

3. Define : Restriction Enzyme

4. What is meant by the 5 prime and 3 prime end of DNA?  Find a diagram which shows this structure in DNA.

5. What is Bam H1?   What organism is its source?  What is it used to do?

6. What is the difference between a circular plasmid DNA and a linear DNA?

7. The lab is set up with Reaction buffer, DNA samples,  water , and restriction enzymes in reaction tubes. What happens to the samples  after the enzymes are added?  What stops the reaction?

KNOW THE LAB SCHEDULE : This is a four day long lab. READ the lab procedure.

Day 1 : Micopipetting : ()

    LABEL Reaction Tubes ( Name and Numbers) Load the samples into a reaction tube.  Add DNA, D.I .water, and Buffer.      DO NOT add the enzyme.  

Day 2: The Reaction :  ( Genetic engineering)

    Add restriction enzymes to the reaction tubes.   Incubate in a water bath -30 minutes.  Add 5 uL 10x gel loading             solution to each reaction tube.  Prepare the Gels and Buffers for the chambers, if not yet completed.

Day 3 : Gel Electrophoresis Analysis  ( This may be skipped, since it does not effect the outcome.)

             1. Heat the samples in a water bath at 65 C.  

              2. Use micropipets    to  load the gels for electrophoresis, and run the gel.

Day 4 :  Analyze the Results : ( Smell Assay - cell culture)  

             Stain the gels and Analyze the results.