LAB : What is PCR and How Does it Work? Lab 372
LAB : 372 PCR
These are the Pre-Lab Questions:
Please answer these question prior to the beginning of the lab activity.
1. PCR has revolutionized research and diagnostics based molecular biology. Use the web ( CDC, NIH, .Edu sites) to find how the following is done : ( Divide these among your group members; each person only does one.)
a. Identifying individuals that carry genetic diseases.
b. Identifying soldiers killed in service.
c. Paternity
d. Evolutionary relationships.
2. Explain the importance of being meticulous in the collection and analysis of DNA that will be amplified by PCR
3. Define the following terms :
a. PCR
b. Primer
c. Amplification ( related to PCR)
d. Taq DNA polymerase
e. What is the source of Taq DNA polymerase
4. Lab Procedures : Describe why temperatures rise and fall in the PCR procedure.
Check out this animation : PCR Animation
5. What is the "Watson-Crick base pairing rule?