Best Qualified (BQ) List

  • Authorized By:  District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 1/1/2013 (LMS)
  • Replaces: New Policy
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: Moved to Google Sites 8/19/2021 (LMS); Updated 5/1/2023 (JLM), 4/12/2024 (JLM)
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources 

Purpose of BQ List (Best Qualified List)

Best Qualified Lists (or BQ Lists) are a tool commonly used in government employment to compare an applicant's experience or education against job requirements.  The lists are used to objectively determine if the applicant is minimally qualified for a job and to determine which applicant(s) is the best qualified.  Each applicant is rated against the same objective criteria and the applicant(s) with the highest score(s) are offered an interview. 

Together with the application materials received and saved in a folder for each vacant position, it fulfills the requirement for an Eligibility List (Refer to Section 2.7.4 of NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies.)

About the BQ List

The criteria and scoring key is listed across the top of the BQ list. 

In general:

Criteria on the BQ template must be objective (e.g."resume contains three typos" instead of "resume is sloppy") and job-related (as opposed to “referred by so-and-so.”)

Guidelines for Using the BQ List

Instructions for Preparing the BQ List

TIP:  You may use the applied by column (Column N) to "cut off" if you want to stop considering individuals who apply after a certain date as long at the date is uniform and consistent for all.

Template BQ List

TEMPLATE BQ List 5-1-2023 through m-d-yyyy.xls

How to Determine Equivalent Education/Experience when Evaluating Applicants

Each position posted describes the minimum qualifications for applying.  Sometimes education/experience can substitute for qualifications listed.  As the supervisor of the position, it's up to you to make this determination within the Equivalency Guidelines NKY Health uses and to document this determination in your BQ List.

Link to NKY Health Training on Preparing BQ Lists on 3/25/2015

Training on using the template to prepare the Best Qualified List was conducted on 3/25/2015.  Click Here to Access the Training.

Revision Log

