
Full Year Courses


 NCEA Level 2 CODE: 2BIO

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: NCEA Level 1 12 credits in Science, including Genetics and one other external standard in 1SCI

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course includes external standards on genetic variation and evolution (building on Year 11 content) and protein synthesis (how proteins control life processes). Internal assessment includes studying patterns in ecosystems (this includes a field trip where data will be collected), comparing and contrasting mammalian nutrition and looking at the validity of data.

The course requires that students learn through practical work, reading, discussions, field work and research.

ASSESSMENT: Level 2 Achievement Standards - 7 credits internally assessed, 8 credits externally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  Workbook purchase online from Officemax.  $40 approximately for field trips

NEXT STEP:  Biology 3BIO, Earth and Space Science 3SCI


 NCEA Level 2 CODE: 2CHE

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 12 credits in Science, including Acids and bases, and one other external standard. Must have confidence with algebra in 1 SCI.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Studying chemistry will enable students to: carry out investigations and make sense of results; understand and predict the way chemicals react; describe how people make and use chemicals.  During the course students will develop their skills in observing, recording, analysing and interpreting. They will also learn the ideas that are the foundations for NCEA Level 3 Chemistry.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards -  7 credits internally assessed (Plus an optional 3 Credit internal) , 9 credits externally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  Workbook purchase online from Officemax

NEXT STEP:  Chemistry 3CHE, Earth and Space science 3SCI



ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 12 credits including Mechanics and one other external standard. Achievement in 1MAT and proficient in algebra in 1 SCI.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Most teaching and learning is based on practical activities, and it is through these practical activities that students gain an understanding of the physical world.  The course covers the topics of movement and energy, electricity, light, waves, electromagnetism, and atomic physics.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards - 3 credits internally assessed, 16 credits externally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  Workbook purchase online from Officemax

NEXT STEP:  Physics 3PHY, Earth and Space Science 3SCI

Semester Courses


NCEA Level 2 CODE: 2ESA                                  

 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 8 credits in 1SCI . Entry from 1SCA with approval from HoF.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course is designed for students interested in the study of Space. Students will investigate the technology that may be used for human exploration of Mars. They will also explore the formation of stars and planets. Students will learn by refining skills, particularly understanding, processing and interpreting information; identifying trends, patterns and relationships; and researching and communicating scientific ideas.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards - 4 credits internally assessed and 4 credits externally assessed.


NEXT STEP: Earth and Space Science 3SCI


NCEA Level 2                    CODE: 2SCI

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 8 credits in 1SCI or 1SCA

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This is a semester course is designed to give students a knowledge of environmental science issues at Level 2.  It covers the environmental impact of farming, followed by human effects on the ocean. This course would suit students who wish to study science but do not wish to specialize by doing a full year course.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards - 8 credits internally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  $25 for field trip.

NEXT STEP:  Earth and Space Science 3SCI