
Full Year Courses


NCEA Level 2 CODE: 2ELU    

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  Stage 4 ELLP reading, Stage 4 ELLP writing.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course is designed to enable students from non-English speaking backgrounds to gain the 10 credits required for UE literacy. Students also have the opportunity to complete Level 3 EL unit standards that contribute towards NCEA Level 3. The focus will be on the structure of writing and the development of reading skills.  Students will respond to a wide range of written and visual materials. The aim is to improve students’ knowledge of grammatical structures and syntax to improve their ability to comprehend texts.  Vocabulary development is also a key element of this course.

ASSESSMENT: English Achievement     Standards (2.4, 2.8 and 2.9) - 14 credits          internally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION: Education Perfect ESOL licences 



code :  2ELL

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: This course is designed to meet the English language learning needs of senior students from non-English speaking backgrounds, who are between Years 11 to 13. Students in this course will be working at Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) & the English Language Intensive Programme (ELIP).

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course will include Level 2 ESOL standards. Furthermore, through comprehension and grammar activities, this course will prepare students for the externally assessed Common Assessment Activity, which is a Level 1 literacy requirement. The course will also cover the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. It aims to assist students who need to also improve their English language communication skills. This course also will contain an IELTS prepration component to enable students to have more confidence sitting the IELTS exam. 

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  Education Perfect ESOL licences  

NEXT STEP:  English Literacy for University (3ELU)


NCEA Level 2                 CODE: 2FRE

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 14 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Topics studied reinforce language and culture learnt at the earlier levels as well as providing a wide vocabulary and ways of expressing oneself.  Topics include personal relationships, the French-speaking world, film study, health, music and an introduction to French literature. Exchange schemes are also available in French-speaking countries.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards - 9 credits internally assessed, 10 credits externally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION:  Education Perfect subscription. 



 NCEA Level 2 CODE: 2JAP

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  NCEA Level 1 14 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  The aims of this course are to develop and extend students’ communication skills in particular, writing and speaking, in order for them to cope readily in Japan.  Listening and reading skills will also be developed and aim to prepare students for NZQA examinations and for life in Japan.

The language will be taught in a range of contexts which are designed to expand vocabulary, knowledge of Kanji and grammar, and to further develop students' knowledge of Japanese culture. Topics often include: Daily Life, Holidays and Celebrations, Education, Leisure and Hobbies. Conversational skills are a major focus of this course and aim to prepare students for daily life in Japan.

ASSESSMENT:  Level 2 Achievement Standards - 9 credits internally assessed, 10 credits externally assessed

COURSE CONTRIBUTION: Education Perfect subscription. 

NEXT STEP:  Japanese 3JAP