Seva Day

On 6th Sep, 2023, Laxman Public School celebrated a heartwarming Seva Day, a day dedicated to selfless service and giving back to the community. The event was organized by the school administration in collaboration with the students, and it left a profound impact on everyone involved.

Purpose of Seva Day:

The primary objective of Seva Day was to instill the values of empathy, compassion, and generosity among the students while actively contributing to the welfare of the less fortunate members of society. It aimed to teach students the importance of selfless service and the joy that comes from helping others.

Student Participation:

Students of all grades enthusiastically participated in Seva Day by donating money from their allowances and savings. Their collective contributions showcased their eagerness to make a difference in the lives of others.

Utilization of Donations:

The money collected from the students was thoughtfully utilized to organize a heartwarming lunch and sweets distribution for group C workers in the school campus. Group C workers often go unnoticed despite their invaluable contributions to society, and this initiative aimed to recognize and appreciate their hard work.

Impact and Reflection:

Seva Day not only brought smiles to the faces of the group C workers but also left a lasting impression on the students. It helped them realize the importance of giving back to society and being grateful for what they have.


Seva Day at Laxman Public School was a resounding success, illustrating the power of collective goodwill and selfless service. It served as a reminder that small acts of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of others. The school hopes to continue organizing such events in the future to nurture a culture of compassion and generosity among its students.