Annual Prize Giving

Annual Prize Giving Ceremony

Over the years Laxman Public School has appreciated students who excel in academics, cultural activities and sports. They are the students who take the reputation of the school to new heights. What would be a better way than congratulating them by awarding them with mementoes and certificates of appreciation? Keeping this in mind the Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was organised in the School premises on 30th Nov 2019. Mrs. Ratika Aggarwal, the Chairperson of the School was the Chief Guest and Mrs. Pallavi Aggarwal, the Vice Chairperson was the Guest of Honour. The program started with the lighting of ceremonial lamp by the guests. The popular school band displayed its prowess. Trivarnika, an amalgamation of Bharatnatyam, Odissi and Kathak was performed par excellence by the students. The school choir melodiously rendered ‘Aao Milkar Sankalp Karein’ and ‘Vande Mataram’. Presenting the Annual Report Mr D N Tiwari, HoS highlighted the achievements of the school in the academic and co curricular fields. The meritorious students were felicitated with academic awards. Teachers who have helped students at academic and co-curricular activities, were also felicitated by the guests. The programme ended with a vote of thanks and singing of the National Anthem.