Mental Health

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Mental Health Awareness Week

4th October 2023 - 10th October 2023

Theme: Mental Health Is A Universal Right


Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel, and act, and plays a crucial role in shaping our overall quality of life. In today's generation, the importance of mental health cannot be overstated. The fast-paced, digitally connected world often brings unprecedented stressors and challenges. The theme given by WHO (World Health Organization) for this year, "Mental Health is a Universal Right," reinforces the idea that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the inherent right to mental well-being. This theme underscores the urgent need for equitable access to mental health resources and destigmatizing mental health issues, ensuring that no one is left behind in their journey towards better mental health.Our school enthusiastically observed Mental Health Awareness Week, aiming to amplify the message encapsulated by this year's theme.

The report of the activities conducted during the Mental Health Week at Laxman Public School, held from October 4th to October 10th, 2023. The primary objective of this week-long initiative was to sensitize our students about the importance of mental health and promote a culture of awareness and support within the school community.


Throughout the week, valuable information on mental health was disseminated to students during the morning assembly sessions. These informative sessions served as a foundation for the subsequent activities, setting the tone for the importance of mental well-being. A highlight of the week was the special morning assembly held on World Mental Health Day, October 10th. During this assembly, students took center stage and delivered impactful speeches on various aspects of mental health. Two thought-provoking skits were performed, focusing on academic stress and the emotional challenges faced by the elderly. These performances encouraged empathy and understanding among our students.


To further sensitize students, the school organized movie screening for 9th-grade students. The film "Wonder" was chosen for its themes of bullying and the importance of having an inclusive school environment, providing a platform for discussion and reflection.


A pivotal element of our Mental Health Week was the integration of mental health themes into various extra-curricular classes. These classes, including Yoga, Drama, and Art, played a significant role in sensitizing our students to the importance of mental health. Yoga classes took on a holistic approach. The sessions focused on meditation and relaxation techniques, imparting valuable skills to help students manage stress and anxiety effectively. Drama classes were dedicated to spreading awareness about various important aspects of mental health. Students engaged in thought-provoking skits and performances that addressed topics such as anxiety, depression, and the importance of seeking help. Art classes, true to their creative spirit, organized a Collage making activity centered around the theme "Mental Health is a Universal Right." This artistic endeavor allowed students to express their thoughts and feelings about mental health through visual representations.

School counselors and peer educators visited classrooms to engage students in meaningful activities. These activities included practicing positive affirmations and encouraging students to reflect on the things they are grateful for. These exercises promoted self-awareness and emotional well-being.


In solidarity with World Mental Health Day, H.O.S. Sir, teachers, and the student counsel proudly wore green ribbons. This symbolized our commitment to raising awareness about mental health issues and reducing stigma.


The school premises were adorned with vibrant decorations on the theme "Mental Health is a Universal Right." School boards and class boards were creatively decorated to serve as a visual reminder of the importance of mental well-being.


A heartwarming activity that engaged students throughout the week was the creation of the "Gratitude Wall." Students had the opportunity to express what they are grateful for in their lives. This exercise encouraged a positive outlook and fostered a sense of gratitude within the school community.


In conclusion, Laxman Public School's Mental Health Week was a resounding success. It not only raised awareness about mental health issues but also created an inclusive and empathetic atmosphere within our school community. Our school is committed to continuing the efforts in promoting mental well-being and ensuring that mental health remains a priority.


"Mental health is not a destination, but a journey. It's about taking one step at a time, embracing self-compassion, and realizing that healing is a process, not a perfect picture."