A tribute to the founder

Laxman Public School was founded by Late Shri Laxman S Agarwal. He grew up in a family of meager means in Meerut--and understood what a good school education means to children of such families. He worked extremely hard his whole life and created one of India's most famous lighting companies. But he was always a very simple human being and had few material possessions. He was saintly in so many ways. He was always dearly loved and respected by his employees, as he treated them as part of his large family.

He set an example to all of us by making achievement more important than money. He always wanted to create the best school in Delhi --and LPS will now work to achieve that goal in the next decade. That is the only way we can repay the efforts he made to create this great institution. We owe it to him, the students, the parents and to society in general, to work towards that goal. Every moment of the day and night.