Leadership Camp

For Class XI - 2024-25

Laxman Public School


The Leadership Camp for Class XI students was organized from 15th April till 24th April ‘24 with the objective of fostering awareness, empathy, and leadership skills among participants. The camp aimed to sensitively address various social issues, promote inclusivity, and empower students to become effective leaders and agents of positive change within their communities.

The primary objectives of the camp were:

&  To raise awareness and promote understanding of diverse social issues such as gender equality, mental health, and inclusivity.

&  To develop leadership skills, communication abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving capabilities among Class XI students.

&  To provide opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning activities that foster personality development

&  To inspire and empower students to take proactive initiatives towards addressing social challenges and making a positive impact within their communities.

&  To equip students with essential life skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become well-rounded individuals and effective leaders.

Throughout the leadership camp, Mr. D.N. Tiwari, our Head of School, and Ms. Seema B. Mishra, our Vice Principal, played pivotal roles in fostering encouragement and motivation among the students. Their steadfast support and infectious enthusiasm acted as catalysts, encouraging active participation, and maximizing the learning opportunities available. Under their guidance, students felt empowered to uncover their capabilities, tackle challenges head-on, and cultivate crucial leadership aptitudes.

The role of the counsellor, Ms. Dimple Vij, in designing and implementing the camp was invaluable, serving as the backbone of the entire endeavour. Her expertise in understanding the developmental needs of students, coupled with insights into psychological well-being, ensured that the camp was thoughtfully crafted to address a wide range of challenges and opportunities.

The camp featured interactive workshops and discussions facilitated by experts and guest speakers on various social issues. Topics included gender equality, mental health awareness, social media detox, financial literacy, awareness about the POCSO Act, diversity and inclusion, and new age careers in India and overseas. These workshops aimed to broaden students' perspectives, foster empathy, and promote critical thinking on pressing societal issues.

Participants engaged in leadership training sessions focused on developing essential leadership skills such as effective communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Through experiential learning activities, role-plays, and group discussions, students were equipped with practical tools and strategies to become confident and empathetic leaders.

Outdoor activities and team-building exercises were designed to promote collaboration, trust, and camaraderie among participants. Throughout the camp, participants engaged in reflection sessions to process their learning experiences, identify personal growth areas, and set goals for future leadership endeavours. Facilitators guided students in developing action plans to translate their newfound knowledge and skills into meaningful actions within their school and community.



Sessions were conducted on the following topics:

1. Discover Your Career Road Map:

   - An interactive session was conducted to help students explore their strengths, interests, and aspirations. Through self-assessment tools and guided reflections, participants gained clarity on their goals and formulated action plans for achieving them.

2. Social Media Detox (Resource Person: Ms. Aashima Sharma, Courtesy Super Saarthi):

   - Workshop on social media detoxification addressed the impact of excessive screen time and digital consumption on mental health and well-being. Strategies for cultivating a healthy relationship with technology and practicing digital mindfulness were discussed.

3. Personality Development (Resource Person: Ms. Nimisha Sharma, Expressive Art-based Therapist, Dept. Of Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Hospital):

   - The session focused on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. Activities such as personality assessments, group discussions, and role-plays fostered personal growth and self-confidence.

4. Effective Communication and Time Management Strategies:

   - A workshop was conducted to improve students' communication skills and time management techniques. Practical tips and tools were provided to enhance verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, and organization of tasks.

5. Decoding CUET (Common University Entrance Test) (Resource Person: Mr. Binit Binod; Courtesy Pratham):

   - An informative session was organized to familiarize students with the structure, content, and preparation strategies for the CUET, a standardized entrance exam for higher education institutions. Tips for exam readiness and stress management were shared.

6. Developing a Success Mindset (Resource Person-Mr. Shirish Gupta Founder, Mnemonic):

   - Participants engaged in discussions and activities to cultivate a success mindset, emphasizing resilience, perseverance, and growth-oriented thinking. Strategies for overcoming obstacles, embracing failure, and setting achievable goals were explored.

7. Peer Influence and Bullying (Resource Person: Ms. Preeti Somani, Psychologist):

   - The session addressed the impact of peer influence and bullying on mental health and well-being. Students learned strategies for building positive relationships, assertiveness, and seeking support to address peer-related challenges.

8. Gender Sensitization and POCSO Act Awareness Advocate Apoorva Thakur; Courtesy Super Saarthi):

   - An interactive session promoted awareness of gender equality, respect, and understanding of the POCSO Act. Students learned about their rights and responsibilities regarding protection from sexual offenses and strategies for creating safe environments.

9. Financial Literacy (Resource Person: Mr. Yogesh Paruthi; Courtesy: HT PACE):

   - A workshop on financial literacy provided students with essential knowledge and skills for managing money effectively. Topics included budgeting, saving, investing, and understanding financial products and services.


10. Developing Critical Minds (Resource Person: Mr. Vaibhav Sharma, AVP at VMC):

- Activities and discussions encouraged students to develop critical thinking skills, including analysing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating evidence. Participants learned to think critically about societal issues and make informed decisions.

11. Body Image and the Self: (Resource Person: Ms. Ria Malik, Counselling Psychologist, Dept. Of Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Hospital):

- The workshop focused on promoting positive self-image, self-esteem, and self-acceptance among students. Through introspection and self-reflection exercises, participants explored their identities, values, and beliefs.

12. New Age Careers in India and Abroad (Resource Person: Mr. Jitin Chawla, Director, Centre of Career Development):

- The session highlighted emerging career opportunities in various industries, both in India and abroad. Career counsellors provided guidance on educational pathways, skill development, and career planning.

As part of the camp, students of Class XI embarked on a series of educational visits to prominent cultural and social institutions in Delhi. These visits aimed to broaden their horizons, deepen their understanding of history, technology, social issues, and inspire them through the legacy of great personalities.

Visit to National Museum: The National Museum visit provided students with a fascinating journey through India's rich cultural heritage. They explored galleries showcasing artifacts, sculptures, paintings, and relics spanning centuries of history. The interactive tour sparked curiosity and appreciation for India's diverse cultural traditions and artistic achievements.

Visit to Delhi Metro Museum: At the Delhi Metro Museum, students gained insights into the technological marvel of the Delhi Metro system. Exhibits detailing the evolution, construction, and functioning of the metro network offered a glimpse into the infrastructure that shapes urban mobility. The visit highlighted the importance of sustainable transportation and urban planning.

Visit to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial: The Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial visit was a poignant experience for students, honouring the legacy of India's beloved former President and visionary scientist. They learned about Dr. Kalam's contributions to space research, education, and youth empowerment through interactive displays, multimedia presentations, and personal anecdotes.

Visit to Muskaan NGO: The visit to Muskaan NGO provided students with a first-hand understanding of social issues and community service. They interacted with beneficiaries and volunteers, learning about the organization's initiatives to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities. Through engaging activities and interactions, students gained empathy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation for inclusivity and social responsibility.

The educational visits to the National Museum, Delhi Metro Museum, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial, and Muskaan NGO enriched students' learning experiences, fostering cultural appreciation, technological understanding, inspiration, and social consciousness. These visits not only broadened their perspectives but also instilled values of heritage preservation, innovation, leadership, and social empathy.


Conclusion: The Leadership Camp for Class XI provided a comprehensive learning experience, covering a wide range of topics essential for personal and professional development. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and activities, students gained valuable insights, skills, and attitudes to navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepare for their future roles as leaders and responsible citizens.

A special mention and sincere appreciation for all the invaluable support rendered by the fine arts, physical education, Yoga as well as dance and theatre departments in making this camp a great success. We are immensely thankful to Ms. Alka Priyadarshini for conducting the rejuvenating Yoga sessions, promoting physical and mental well-being among our students. Our gratitude extends to all the guest speakers for sharing their expertise and enriching our students’ knowledge.

Special thanks to the support staff, and volunteers for their tireless efforts in coordinating and ensuring the smooth execution of the camp activities. We also extend our appreciation to the students for their active participation, enthusiasm, and exemplary behaviour throughout the camp. Finally, we express our gratitude to the parents for entrusting us with the education and holistic development of their children. Your unwavering support and encouragement are invaluable to us.