Laxman Memorial

Keeping in minds the words of a renowned poet, Robert Frost - “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words."

Today, we witnessed class 6 Poetry Recitation Competition that took place today as part of Laxman Memorial Week. The event was a splendid showcase of our students' artistic abilities and their proficiency in languages.

During the competition, students recited poems in English, Hindi, and Sanskrit, offering a diverse and captivating linguistic experience. Their recitations reflected their emotions, thoughts, and cultural understanding.

We extend our gratitude to Ms. Sabhyata Gautam, who served as the judge for the English recitation segment, and Ms. Sampurna Jha, who presided over the Hindi and Sanskrit sessions. It was an honor to have our esteemed Head of School, Mr. D.N Tiwari, present, inspiring and supporting our students.

This event not only celebrated the students' talents but also highlighted the role of language as a means of expression and cultural appreciation. Beyond the competition, it left a lasting impact by instilling valuable lessons for our students' personal growth.

In class 5

Laxman Memorial English and Hindi Recitation as well as Sanskrit Shloka competition were held today.

All participants spoke with confidence and conviction.

They were judged on the basis of their presentation, expression and fluency. The judges were Mr.Chandra Shekhar and Ms.Sabhyata.

Even the students who were stand-by got a chance to present themselves.

The audience thoroughly enjoyed listening to the enthusiastic participants.

" Poetry is a powerful form of self expression"

Today classes 3 and 4 had English Recitation, Hindi Recitation and Sanskrit Shloka Competition as a part of Laxman Memorial week.

For English Recitation we had Ms.Joyeeta Banerjee as the judge for class 3 and Ms.Shikha Sharma for class 4.

Ms Sampoorna Jha did the judgement for Hindi Recitation and Sanskrit Shloka Competition for classes 3 and 4 both.

We were honoured by the presence of HOS Mr D N Tiwari sir, who praised and blessed the children.

Children gained a lot confidence, learnt correct pronunciation and developed memorizing skills too.

It was another feather🪶in our cap🎓

Science Exhibition (23/8/23) for Laxman Memorial week 

The students of Classes 3 and 4 had exhibited their exemplary Science models and had very confidently explained the concept behind each. 

 We were honoured to welcome the parents of the students amongst us who brightened up the occasion even more.The students were feeling very proud to present their work.

They were motivated to give their best and their enthusiasm reached the peak, when they were joined by the HoS  Mr D N Tiwari Sir and our honourable Manager Mr Mudgil Sir, who constantly had a smile on their faces while watching the participants. 

Manager sir was full of praise for the students, which made the participants feel accomplished. He even gave them chocolates, as a prize for their hardwork and devotion towards their work, which made the students twice as happy.

At the end, HoS sir expressed his admiration towards the efforts put in by the students in creating outstanding models.

Classes 5&6 successfully conducted the Finale round of Laxman Memorial SST Quiz today.

All participants and audience actively participated in the quiz.

Team E comprising 2 students of 5E and 6E each were the winners with score of 70 out of 80.

With the ongoing celebrations of Laxman Memorial week, the junior wing had organised the Maths Quiz for students of Classes 3 and 4. The excitement and zeal was prominently visible in the students.

The participants were divided into five teams. The quiz was conducted in six rounds and it not only tested the students' mental maths skills but also their discussion, problem solving skill and their team spirit. They all were keen on winning each point.

The audience was motivating and cheering for the teams who were scoring, and the entire hall echoed with their roar of encouragement.

Our program was enjoyed by the HoS Sir as well. He disclosed the results to the students and shared his words of praise and gave the participants a chocolate, to encourage them to keep on thriving for their better performance and results. The event was wraped up with fun questions for the audience.