Earth Day celebration 2024

At Laxman Public School's Earth Day celebration, Class 1 students participated in a special talk show filled with excitement and eagerness. They passionately discussed crucial topics for our planet's well-being, focusing on conserving water, electricity, and the importance of reducing energy consumption. The conversation then shifted to the significance of tree planting and the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The talk show served as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to protect the planet. Additionally, the children demonstrated their love and creativity by wearing green clothes and crafting Earth Day headgear, symbolizing their deep affection for the Earth.

Celebrating Earth's Splendor

Earth day parade was taken out by the young environmentalists of class ll. Amist vibrant banner,  rhythmic beats of musical instruments and placards bearing eco-conscious messages like 'Every drop counts' , Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' etc. the students  of class ll marched around the school to instill a sense of environmental awareness.They shared simple ideas to save the Mother Earth by:-

Planting more trees, keeping the environment clean, stop the use of plastics, saving  water by using it wisely, switching off the lights and fans when not in use etc.

To make this day full of fun and everlasting in their memories the  children came dressed in bright shades of green and brought green coloured food in their tiffin.They showcased their creativity by making an Earth Day headgear which they proudly wore,to show their love for the planet.

Preschool and preprimary activities

Earth Day celebration 2024

Date: 22nd April, 2024

The theme of Earth Day 2024 is Planet Vs. Plastics.

To raise awareness amongst the students of preprimary department various enriching activities were organized.

#Little hands can change the world: To develop team work and enhance their creativity students made a big cut out of Mother Earth with ladyfinger printing.

#A gift to Mother Earth - Best out of waste - Hand made plastic bottle planter : To embrace the festivities our little champions with the help of their parents made beautiful plant pots using waste material.

Handkerchief printing:  Our endeavour was to sensitize the children to reduce the use of tissue paper instead they were encouraged to use a cloth handkerchief. An activity of block printing on the handkerchief was initiated.

At the end of the day students carried self made block printing handkerchief with pride as a take away.

🌎 Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April every year world wide to spread awareness to protect and preserve our earth.

On this day our students of classes 3 and 4  made headgears in class.

They excitedly wore them  throughout the day with pride and gratitude towards mother earth 🥰

Children were made conscious about promoting and preserving our only home, our planet mother earth 🌎