Republic Day Celebration

On the occasion of India's 75th Republic Day children of classes 1 and 2 enthusiastically crafted tricolored kites symbolizing the National flag of India.

They were made aware of the golden heritage and the constitution of our country ,fostering a sense of pride in them.

Students of Classes III and IV celebrated the 75th Republic Day with great enthusiasm. 

Children wrote paragraph on "The India of my Dreams and my role in the New India" with a plethora of great ideas and imagination, all put down in words. 

The students also showcased their artistic skills and displayed beautiful art pieces depicting " India of my Dreams".

 All the children enthusiastically made the Tiranga (Tricolour flag) batches and proudly wore them on their uniform, expressing their ardent love towards their country. Many of them thought out of the box and shared some of their resolutions for their 'New India'. They talked about the values and duties of a good citizen and pledged to become a laudable citizen of India.

Students of Class 7 and 8 took part in the celebration of the 75th Republic Day of India with fervour. 

Students participated in poster making and slogan writing activities in their class. 

Students were asked to speak on their opinion of how they envision their country in the very near future. 

Students iterated various facts about the Indian Constitution, its main objectives and its importance. 

Dr. B R Ambedkar's life history was also discussed with the students. 

All in all it was a very enriching experience for all the students. 

Students exhibited a lot of love for their motherland and this very sentiment was visible in their words and their work too.

Class 9 celebrated the day with great zeal and spirit showcasing their talents through various activities held in their respective classes. Since it is a day of national rejoicing, children participated in a talk show about the Indian Constitution, the preamble. Children expressed their views on what kind of an India they dream about, including their role in New India. Through the vibrant paintings, slogans and simple yet straightforward write-ups, children finished their day with great éclat.