2020 Summer Video Training

    1. There should be overflowing time after each message.

    2. Study at least 30 minutes for each message.

    3. Testing for at least messages 1-10.

    • Follow Option 1, as LSM strongly recommended, trainees to join Zoom meetings together.

  • One Zoom meeting for each language

    • That is, testing, streaming of messages, breakout groups all separate by language.

    • Proposal for testing: (from NorCal fellowship: the purpose of testing is to motivate saints to study)

      • Strongly encourage all the trainees to take the "take-home/offline" test:

        • To record own speaking (1:45-2minutes) on a crucial point of the message

        • Alternatively, to write down the prophecy (250-300 words)

        • Submit the assignment before next Saturday 8am (we'll provide a Google form for each message; some brothers will also provide tech support).

      • The take-home/offline test is mandatory for those who are not able to join additional group study time.

      • Online testing:

        • We will use 10 minutes (at the beginning) each session of 2nd and 3rd weekends, testing the respective message the week before.

        • Those who had submitted the take-home/offline test of the message are exempted. The rest may be tested during the time.

          • (We believe the take-home/offline test are even more effective than the online test in accomplishing the purpose of helping trainees study.)

        • This covers messages 1-8.

      • Take-home/offline tests only for messages 9 & 10; mandatory for all trainees.

    • Proposal for study time: again online study + offline study

      • Two of the four messages each weekend will have 30-minute online PSRP after the message using breakout rooms, which should include time to speak to one another.

      • We may need to tweak slightly the Posted schedule to make this happen.

      • We strongly encourage the trainees to form study groups during the week (once or twice), studying for at least 30 minutes for each of the other two messages.

      • We permit some not to join a study group because of schedule difficulty, but they are required to study on their own and submit the take-home/offline test for the message they miss the group study time.