
Post date: Oct 16, 2017 4:11:43 AM


John Chau, Alfred Tsiang, George Tien, John Kan, David Wang, Steve Lin, Stanley Tai, Boaz Chai, Kenneth Troughton, David Choi (10 total)

1. we read 1Cor13:1-7, 13, pray read vv.4-7, fellowshipped about our love towards the church and the brothers, from br.Minoru's fellowship relayed by brother George T.

2. shared feedbacks from the september church outing:

-all positive: distance, content, venue, testimonies, beach, activities, pray reading.

-some felt it was too short. should we encourage saints to take friday off? or find long-weekends?

-more options on long weekend dates to be looked into, and earlier notice to saints to be sent out next year, prior to school start.

3. GTCA cupertino

A. list of venues on google doc to be continually added

B. all venues to be signed up for, by the cupertino saturday brothers:

-each brother would contact responsible personal at the venue(s) he sign up for

-things to collect from the venue contact: rules, regulations, availability of dates and times, capacity of headcounts, parking, hazards, etc

-deadline: next saturday 10/14/2017.

C. each confirmed venue could then be opened up to the brothers' respective small groups

-saints in his small group would divide up the detail labors like printing maps, printing signs, snacks/waters, etc

-we feel that this way could foster ownership, organic follow ups, prayers, and mutual shepherding

-most important to pray and fellowship as a group prior to going out