Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Brookmead School is fully committed to supporting the needs of all our children. We are proud to be a genuinely inclusive school that is aims to offer the highest quality provision for all. This includes those children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs. We feel that it is beneficial to everyone that children with a range of needs and abilities are able to join our school. Children grow up understanding that they are not all the same, learn to respect difference and diversity and understand the importance of caring for each other.

Children with specific learning needs often have a Statement of Special Educational Needs.   Children who are not making expected progress for their age are identified through the Special Educational Needs Register.  These pupils are categorized into two groups: those at School Action and those at School Action Plus.  

Pupils identified on the Register are supported by a Learning Support Plan  (LSP)  which is reviewed termly.  LSP s identify targets for improvement and the strategies that will be put in place to achieve these targets. The register is a flexible one, with children coming on and going off it every term. The Register is updated on a termly basis. 

Despite this additional support some children continue to find learning very hard and their progress is limited. In these circumstances the school requests advice from other professionals and some of these children are progressed to school action plus. Advice may be sought from the school’s educational psychologist; a speech and language therapist; an occupational therapist; a physiotherapist or a peripatetic teacher for the blind or the deaf. The fact that a child sees one of these professionals does not automatically result in their moving to School Action Plus.

All support programmes that are implemented are evaluated for their impact on children’s progress.  Parents are kept informed by their child's class teacher or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator of any changes to the Special Educational Needs provision that their child receives.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Kim Brooks, and can be contacted via the main school office. 


Brookmead School Special Educational Needs Policy can be found in our policies section.