Overcoming childhood anxiety

Post date: 27-Sep-2019 09:35:07

We were delighted to welcome Katy and Elspeth from CAMHS to lead a workshop for parents Overcoming childhood anxiety: an introduction to guided parent delivered cognitive behaviour therapy. We recognise that managing our children's anxiety is a concern for many parents - this was reflected by the number of parents who were able to join us today. Thank you to all those of you who were able to attend; please share what you have learned today with other members of our wider school community so that we can all help each other help our children.

Today's workshop was developed and funded by the Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Centre, Reading. Their website has a page especially for parents with links to resources and recommended reading to help you help your child; we'd encourage you to find a time when you can familiarise yourself with the resources that are here: