Governing Body

Effective governors bring a range of knowledge, skills and experience to the role. They are sensitive, tenacious, curious, ambitious, questioning, collaborative, enthusiastic and innovative. 

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the effective management of the school.  The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day organisation and management of the school and is accountable to the Governing Body for the actions and decisions she takes. The Governing Body sets the strategic objectives for the development of the school and the Headteacher is responsible for delivering to them.  In addition to setting strategic objectives, the Governing Body is also responsible for determining the vision and values of the school.

The Governing Body is also responsible for setting the school budget and ensuring that the school spends its money efficiently.

Members of the Governing Body are also involved in the appointment of staff, monitoring the delivery of the school curriculum and maintaining and developing the school premises, so they are fit for today as well as the future.

Our Chair of Governors is Gavin Sandmann

As a Foundation School the Governing Body at Brookmead is made up of:

3 Parent Governors

Parent governors are selected by election, or by appointment if insufficient people stand for election, and are appointed based on skills and experience required, from parents and carers of children at the school.


1 Local Authority Governor

Local Authority (LA) Governors are appointed by the Local Authority.  The Local Authority (Buckinghamshire County Council) can appoint any eligible person as an LA governor.  School staff are not eligible to stand as an LA Governor.


2 Co-opted Governors

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body and have, in the opinion of the governing body, the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

2 Staff Governors

In addition to the Headteacher (who is a Governor by virtue of her position, ex officio), a member of staff is elected to the Governing Body by the teaching and support staff working at the school.


2 Partnership Governors

Partnership governors are appointed by the Governing Body after a nomination process. The school looks to wider community organisations for nominations for this role.


Associate Members

Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body to attend committee meetings and/or full governing body meetings due to their particular skills or experience. Our Learning and Teaching committee focuses on strategic elements related to education and attainment. Our Governance and Strategy committe focuses on health and safety and finance elements. All committees have a focus on safeguarding.

The Full Governing Body meets three times a year. Further work is carried out through the Governance & Strategy Committee (Chair: Robert Busyman) and Teaching and Learning Committee (Chair: Gavin Sandmann).

Current governors AUt 2023.docx.pdf
22-23 Governor Attendance.docx.pdf
Declarations of interest made Brookmead Dec 22.pdf
HistoricalRecords-Brookmead .pdf