Starting School at Brookmead - A Guide for Parents

A happy, harmonious community. Relationships are extremely positive.

There is a clear commitment to ensuring that everyone is treated equally and there is no discrimination. All pupils, whatever their ability or background, are encouraged to take a full part in all the school's activities.

Brookmead School Ofsted ‘Good’, 2015

This Guide for Parents has been compiled to help answer the questions we find that most parents have when their child is starting school. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the School Office (email:; telephone: 01296 668543).

Starting School at Brookmead - Frequently Asked Questions Answered!

    • What do we do at Brookmead to help children settle into school?

    • What are the arrangements for the first day of school?

    • What are the arrangements for dropping off and collecting my child at the end of the school day?

    • How confident should my child be at using the toilet?

    • What do I need to know about School Lunch?

    • What if my child is hungry or thirsty during the school day?

    • What school uniform and equipment will my child need?

    • How does the school maintain high standards of pupil behaviour?

    • What should I do if my child is not well or needs to be given medicine during the school day?

    • My child loves to play – will this be part of the school day?

    • What should I do if my child has special educational needs?

    • What can I do to help my child prepare for starting school and support their learning at home?

    • How does the school communicate with parents - where can I go to find out more about what my child is learning at school?

    • How do I find out about my child’s progress and achievement at school?

    • What should I do if I have any concerns - how should I raise these with the school?

    • Does the school have a Breakfast and After-School Club?

    • Is there a Parent Association?

What do we do at Brookmead to help children settle into school?

Induction sessions for pupils and parents

Induction sessions for pupils and parents take place in June before pupils start in September. Please join us between 16:00-16:40 or 18:00-18:40. The purpose of these sessions is to enable pupils and parents to spend time within the Foundation Stage environment, to share activities together and meet the Foundation Stage staff team.

Transition sessions for pupils

We offer transition sessions for pupils who will be joining us in September. These sessions enable pupils to begin to build relationships with each other and get to know members of staff. Transition sessions provide a flavour of learning and play for children so they can quickly adjust to the setting when they join us in September.

Transition Open Evening for parents

Our Transition Open Evening for parents of all pupils at Brookmead School takes place in July. All parents are invited to a presentation by the head teacher in the New Hall at 16:15 and 18:00. During this evening there is also a choice of two workshops (starting at 17:15 and 18:45) for parents of children joining the Foundation Stage. At these sessions we are able to talk to you in more detail about how we can work together effectively to support your child’s smooth transition to school and further information about teaching and learning in the Foundation Stage setting.

Home visits

Our experience shows that home visits have a very positive impact on building children’s confidence as they settle into Foundation Stage at the start of the school year. Home visits really help us all to get to know each other. Foundation Stage staff carry out home visits to all pupils who will be joining us in Foundation Stage. There is an opportunity for you to discuss your child individually with us and we find children love showing us their toys, pets and other things that are important to them. Parents sign up for their home visit when they come into school for the induction and transition sessions during the summer term.

What are the arrangements for the first day of school?

Adjusting to the School Day

On their first day of term, parents are asked to bring their child to the Foundation Stage entrance between 08:40 and 08:50. Children should be collected from school at 15:20.

Although many children are already used to the pattern of full-time pre-school provision, we recognise that not all children are ready for the demands of a full school day at the very start of the school year. This is something we will discuss with you on an individual basis so that we make the arrangements that will best suit the well-being and learning needs of your child.

What are the arrangements for dropping off and collecting my child at the beginning and end of the school day?

Parents and carers bring children to the Foundation Stage entrance at the start of the school day. Children are welcomed into the classroom by Foundation Stage staff who will help them organise their coats, bags and water bottles.

Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 may only be collected by a designated adult. If for any reason your child needs to be collected by anyone who is not identified as a designated adult, please contact the School Office by telephone (01296 668543) or email before 15:00 ( to explain who will be collecting your child at the end of the day. Similarly, please let us know if your child is attending a play date after school with another pupil and, because of this, is being collected by the parent of another child.

How confident should my child be at using the toilet?

Toilet facilities are easily accessible to pupils in Foundation Stage from both the indoor and outdoor learning areas. Encouraging your child to be independent in all areas of toileting will greatly help them, including wiping themselves, flushing, and washing hands.

Once they are familiar with the environment, we find that most children are confident in using the toilet when they need to; however we also understand that accidents can happen. These are dealt with sensitively. To help us, please would you include a spare set of clothes (including pants/socks/tights/trousers or skirt) with your child’s PE bag.

Some children have particular needs with regard to continence which are often medical; it is important that you and your child do not feel any anxiety about this. We will work with you and your child to help overcome any difficulties; what is important is that we are fully informed so we can do our best to support your child and ensure they are happy and comfortable at school.

What do I need to know about School Lunch?

Hot lunches are provided free of charge to children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. School lunches are an excellent opportunity for children to continue to develop their skills in socialising through sharing a meal with other children and adults; it also helps develop their independence and resilience through having opportunities to try a wide range of foods and flavours.

Children choose for themselves each day between a main (meat or fish) or vegetarian option; salad is also available and a choice of puddings. Menus are sent out each half term with the School Bulletin. It is helpful if you go through the menu with your child so that they know what to expect each day. This also helps us prevent disappointment if the menu contains something they don’t like. Children may bring a packed lunch from home if they prefer. Parents are asked to ensure that packed lunches brought from home are based on healthy eating and do not include chocolate, sweets or crisps. We also ask that you do not over-pack your child’s lunch box as we encourage children to eat as much as possible of the lunch that is provided, whether it’s a hot meal or packed.

Additional supervision and support is given to Foundation Stage children while they are eating in the school hall. It is really helpful for your child’s developing independence if you can help them practise using a knife and fork at home; this also helps their fine motor skills and coordination.

What if my child is hungry or thirsty during the school day?

Snacks of fruit and vegetables are provided by the school each day with water to drink. This forms part of our healthy lifestyle learning and children enjoy the time to sit and chat with their friends in a relaxed way. Please do not send snacks from home, as this detracts from the importance of sharing food together; please do not fill water bottles with juice or squash - this is unhelpful in regulating their energy levels and is not good for their teeth.

What school uniform and equipment will my child need?

All pupils at Brookmead are expected to wear school uniform. Brookmead School sweatshirts, cardigans, PE shorts and t-shirts can be purchased from the school office, together with book bags and PE bags.

    • Brookmead School sweatshirt/cardigan (with logo)

    • White polo shirt or plain white shirt/blouse

    • Dark grey or black trousers/knee-length shorts/pinafore or knee-length skirt/blue and white striped or checked dress in summer

    • Black school shoes

    • White, grey or black matching socks or tights

PE Kit

    • White T-shirt (with logo)

    • Royal blue PE shorts

    • Plimsolls/trainers suitable for outdoor PE

    • Plain black or navy blue tracksuit bottoms/joggers/sports leggings

Pupils also need:

    • A water bottle - Please send in a named pop-up-top water bottle, as this makes it easier for your child to have a quick drink of water whenever they are thirsty.

    • A book bag - Children should bring their book bag to school every day.

Children get themselves changed for PE. You may find that having done PE your child may come home with socks, shirts, jumpers inside out or back to front. So long as the children are comfortable, we do not interfere with this and reinforce how pleased we are when they manage to dress themselves independently. Simpler clothing especially for the girls, such as a pinafore with a zip rather than buttons is better and easier than tucking blouses into skirts. It is a good idea to give your child opportunities to practise getting changed for PE at home; even more helpful will be for them to be able to organise the clothes they have changed out of so they can easily find them when they want to put them back on again!

Children should have their PE kit in school every day. (Children can keep their PE kit at school in a named bag on their named peg.)

PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING! This is vital to avoid muddles when the children get changed for PE or take off their sweatshirt or cardigan when they are hot! Please also choose school shoes that your child can fasten themselves. (Some children have already learned to tie their shoelaces by the time they start school; Foundation Stage staff do not need additional practice at this!)

How does the school maintain high standards of pupil behaviour?

The school has a Positive Behaviour Policy which is applied consistently across the school. These expectations have been devised by the children and are consistent with our school’s vision and values; they are the behaviours we expect from all members of the school community.

Our Expectations of Behaviour at Brookmead

We put others first and help them feel included.

We show respect for our environment and equipment, and take care of other people’s things.

We are truthful and take responsibility for our actions.

We are kind, caring and helpful.

We listen to others and try to understand.

We are polite to everyone we meet.

We use kind words and phrases.

We keep ourselves and others safe.

We treat each other fairly.

We are positive and ready to learn.

We believe in each other and encourage everyone to succeed.

Our Positive Behaviour Policy should be read in conjunction with the Brookmead School Anti-Bullying Policy. These, together with all statutory policies, can be downloaded from the Policies section of the school website:

What should I do if my child is not well or needs to be given medicine during the school day?

Please telephone the school office by 09:00 if your child is unwell and will not be attending school.

Please note that in the event of a stomach bug, parents are required to keep their child away from school for 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting; this is crucial to help avoid the spread of infection.

When your child returns to school following a period of sickness, please email or write to the School Office to confirm the reason for their absence. We ask you to be especially proactive in informing the school at the earliest indication of any infection that your child may pick up. This is particularly important in the case of viral infections (such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, and rubella), and sickness and diarrhoea. This enables the school to take appropriate action to limit the risk of infection in particular to vulnerable pupils and staff. Further guidance on infection control published by Pupil Health England is available to download from the policies section of the school website.

A number of staff have received appropriate training in the administration of medication for pupils. Any medicines must be delivered to the school office and a Medication Form (which can be downloaded in advance from the Brookmead School website) completed and signed by the parent or carer. We are unable to administer medication unless this process is followed.

The school must be notified of all medical conditions (including allergies); parents are asked to complete a Medical Conditions Form before pupils start school and then at the start of each school year. A copy of the form and the school’s Medical Conditions Policy can be downloaded from the policies section of the Brookmead School website.

My child loves to play – will this be part of the school day?

Learning through play is at the heart of what we do in Foundation Stage. We provide a secure, caring, happy and structured environment both indoors and outdoors where the children learn through meaningful, enjoyable and constructive ‘hands on’ activities, using materials and equipment which have been carefully selected by the staff.

What should I do if my child has special educational needs?

At Brookmead it is our job to ensure that all children make progress in their learning and achieve as well as possible, whatever their starting point and whatever their needs. Where children have already identified as having special educational needs we liaise closely with pre-school and any external agencies to ensure that we are appropriately prepared to meet your child’s needs. Further information can be found in the Special Educational Needs Policy which is published in the policies section of the Brookmead School website:

What can I do to help my child prepare for starting school and support their learning at home?

Children thrive at school if they are happy and confident. Please try and help your child to be confident in unfamiliar situations, have a go at new activities, enjoy playing with other children, be happy to chat about things and to be resilient if things do not go entirely their way.

Children are quick to pick up on the emotions of those around them. Try to make sure your child doesn’t pick up any worries you may have yourself about them starting school; having a confident and positive attitude will make your child feel safer and ensure a smooth start.

We encourage children to be independent, so skills such as putting on their own coats, changing clothes and shoes, going to the toilet themselves, opening packets in a packed lunch and practice in using a knife and fork are very important.

Skills such as cutting with scissors, building with construction toys, threading games, board games and jigsaw puzzles can be enjoyed together. Sharing books together, going to the library, and bringing a story to life (for example, by Going on a Bear Hunt together in Ashridge) are a wonderful way of learning together.

During the school year we hold parent workshops to help demonstrate our approach to teaching reading, writing and mathematics so you can support your child effectively at home.

Please do talk to us if you have any worries, no matter how small they may seem: we are keen to develop an effective partnership with you to ensure that your child flourishes and enjoys their time at school.

How do I find out about my child’s progress and achievement at school?

Pupil Progress Conversations take place during the school year in the autumn and spring terms. This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher. In addition to the statutory end-of-year school report we also send parents a mid-year progress report which highlights progress your child is making, their next steps for learning, and what you can do to support learning at home.

What should I do if I have any concerns - how should I raise these with the school?

It is important that you share with us at the earliest opportunity any concerns you may have about your child’s learning or well-being in school so that we can work together to find ways to overcome any challenges or difficulties before they grow into more complex issues. Foundation Stage staff are available at the start and end of the school day for an informal conversation with parents and carers. For a longer conversation it may be more appropriate to arrange a meeting or a telephone conversation: parents should contact the Foundation Stage team via the School Office, either by telephone or email, briefly outlining concerns and the appropriate arrangements will be made.

How do I find out about what is happening at school?

General communications are sent out by email on Thursdays each week from the School Office, together with the Weekly Bulletin which highlights important events and dates that are coming up in the school calendar.

Information about the school, including policies and procedures, and information about the school curriculum, is available on the Brookmead School Website: Detailed information about children’s learning across the school, as well as their involvement in sporting events, music and learning outside the classroom can be found on the Brookmead Blogs (follow the link from the school website); here you will also find the Governors’ Blog.

Does the school have a Breakfast and After-School Club?

Working in close partnership with Brookmead School, the Kids Breakfast and Supper Club provides a professional breakfast and after-school club with planned activities led by friendly qualified staff. The club is run from the old hall every day during term time. For further information please see the Parent Pack which can be downloaded from or email

Is there a Parent Association?

Friends at Brookmead (FAB) is the Brookmead School Parent-Teacher Association. FAB is a voluntary-run charity of parents and teachers working together to enhance the opportunities provided by the school, strengthen parental engagement and home-school partnership, and create links with the wider community.

At Brookmead every parent is automatically a member of FAB and as such they are included, valued and appreciated. All parents are encouraged to participate in a range of ways, whether it’s helping to organise or publicise an event, bake cakes, tidy the hall after a school disco, or to be an advocate for the school within the wider community.

The FAB Committee is made up of parent representatives who have designated responsibilities; this ensures accountability to all stakeholders and enables the smooth running and coordination of activities during the school year.