January 22, 2020

Reflection, SOLE


9:00-9:15 Icebreaker "Yes, and...."

9:15-10:00 StartSOLE and Debrief

10:00-10:15 BREAK

10:15-10:30 Jim Knight "Partnership Principle 5: Reflection" (EdPuzzle)

10:30-11:30 StartSOLE in depth

Reflection in Pedagogy (PDF)

Reflection in Heutagogy (PDF)

11:30-12:45 LUNCH

12:45-1:15 Opportunities for Reflection in Coaching

1:15-1:30 Reflect on Mentor Action Plan Goals

  • From the "Five Activities to Promote Teacher Reflection," choose one that is most related to your goal(s). Move to the appropriate table group.

  • With others at your new table group, reflect on your progress towards your goals through the lens of (lesson reflection, feedback, PD, new perspective, or collaboration). Use the guiding questions on the sheet on your table.

1:30-2:15 Book Study: Educated by Design (chapters 7-8) or Switch

2:15-2:30 Debrief and Exit Ticket (forms.gle/XSHsfzWbZstqTuTg7)