September 12, 2019

Introduction, action planning, overview of the year


AGENDA - September 12, 2019

8:30-9:00 Arrival, sign in, networking

9:00-9:15 Introductions, announcements, updates

9:00-9:30 Icebreaker

9:30-10:15 Group brainstorming and planning for the 2019-20 network

Preliminary schedule:

  • September - Intro, action planning, overview of the year, article and book study

  • October - BDA cycle/questioning

  • November - Leading professional learning

  • December - Western Region mini PLO (IUs 3, 4, 5, 6, 27)

  • January - Reflection, SOLE

  • February - Visible learning

  • March - Western Region mini PLO (IUs 3, 4, 5, 6, 27)

  • April - College & career readiness (community site visits)

  • May - Year-end reflection, book study share out

Overview of PIIC quadrants

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10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-11:30 Article Study - "Instructional Coaching for Implementing Visible Learning: A Model for Translating Research into Practice" by Jim Knight

11:30-12:45 Lunch

12:45-1:05 The eSports opportunity for your school through the PA Smart grant

1:05-1:35 Scenario: using visible learning mindframes as a coaching focus

Scenario: think of a teacher with whom you have worked with or are working. Which of the 10 mindframes (pages 2-3) might strengthen that teacher's practice? Apply the impact cycle (pages 6-7) to work you might do with the teacher. What would be necessary to identify, learn, and improve? Prepare to share details from your conversation about the mindframes and the impact cycle in a full-group discussion.

Debrief: use of the impact cycle, mindframes as a coaching focus

1:35-2:05 Action plan

2:05-2:25 Book study selection/planning: Switch and/or Educated by Design

Book Study Guide for Switch

Book Study Guide for Educated by Design

2:25-2:30 Exit ticket

4 Quadrants PIIC Model