November 20, 2018

PBL, Inquiry-Based Learning, & 21st Century/Soft Skills

REGISTER FOR THE MEETING (Form header image CC by Gabe Rosiak on Flickr)

8:30 - 9:00 Arrival, sign-in, networking

9:00-9:30 Inquiry activity - Come to a shared understanding of PBL

  • Inquiry-based learning starts with curiosity. What are we curious about with regard to PBL?
  • What questions will guide our learning?
  • Where will we go to find answers?

9:30-11:30 Experience a PBL

  • Choose one of four scenarios below. Or - if you have a real-life scenario, use your own!
    • Scenario 1 - The building principal attended an administrators' conference that featured project based learning. Upon his return, he conducted an overview of PBL at a faculty meeting and directed every teacher in the building to incorporate PBL before the end of the year. Your inbox is filled with requests for support.
    • Scenario 2 - One of your teachers attended a session on PBL at ISTE this summer. The teacher approaches you and says, "I would like to try a PBL experience for my students, but I am concerned about losing control of the classroom."
    • Scenario 3 - During a conversation about student-centered classrooms, the topic of PBL comes up. One of your teachers says to you, "I teach a tested subject. I would like to try PBL, but will it interfere with my students being ready for the test? How can I still assess them to be sure they are where they need to be?"
    • Scenario 4 - An innovative teacher in your building has already transformed her class to incorporate several successful PBL units. She wants to take it to a new level with technology and emails you, "I already have a good grasp on PBL. How can I incorporate technology to decrease the amount of paper and further enhance student learning?"
  • Your task: Develop an action plan to meet the teacher's needs and plan (or pre-plan) your BDA work with the teacher.
  • Come up with a product of your choosing that represents your action plan. Be prepared to display your product so others can see it in a gallery walk.
  • Gallery walk to view other groups' products

11:30-12:45 Lunch

1:00-2:00 Videoconference with Suzie Boss, co-author of Project Based Teaching, Buck Institute. Topic: the coach's role in PBL work with teachers. Also includes time for Q and A about PBL in general.

2:00-2:30 Reflection: To what extent did today's activities inspire you to see potential for PBL in your school? Where would your starting point be? What do you see as your role? Exit Ticket


Dear Coach,

My name is Chris Caton. I am a doctoral student at Point Park University and a former instructional coach. Because I believe that the work of coaching and the training of coaches is so important, I have chosen this area for my doctoral study. I am asking for your help by completing this survey for my dissertation. You are invited to participate in a research study which will investigate the readiness of coaches across Pennsylvania as they entered their role as coach.

The following information is provided to help you to make an informed decision about whether you want to participate in this study. Your participation is voluntary and will help advance knowledge about coaches and their preparation. Should you choose to participate, your information and answers will be held in strict confidence. The information learned from this survey will help us better understand the readiness of coaches across Pennsylvania. Answers from completed surveys will be compiled into data that is sorted by county with other participants and cannot be specifically identifiable. The information obtained in this survey may be published, but there will not be personal identifiers within the report. Your answers will be anonymous.

I am hopeful that completing this survey helps you reflect on your own experience as a coach. I appreciate the few minutes you will take to complete the survey. This survey will take about 25 minutes to complete. Please click on this link to begin: