April 24, 2019

Student Grouping Using PVAAS/Data; FutureReady PA

AM: PVAAS/Data for Grouping Students (9:00-11:30)

10 Roles of Coaches: One role is data coach, according to Joellen Killion. Read Killion's description of data coach. Highlight in one color what you do and in another color what you don't do.

Guiding question from the group: How can a coach help a teacher use PVAAS data to group students?

3-Step Coaching Process (Slides)

Login Information for PVAAS

PVAAS Resources

Digging Deeper Guides (from PVAAS site) "The Digging Deeper documents are highly useful in examining variables related to increased outcomes for students! Documents are available for the content areas of Math/Keystone Algebra I, English Language Arts/Keystone Literature, and Science/Keystone Biology, as well as for students with a history of lower achievement, and a history of higher achievement. "

Digging Deeper: Students with a History of Higher Achievement

Digging Deeper: Students with a History of Lower Achievement

Digging Deeper into Content Areas

These documents provide school and teacher level questions to ask about curriculum, assessment, instruction and organization when digging deeper into the root cause of academic performance results for ELA/Keystone Literature, Math/Algebra I, and Science/Biology.


Create your own real-life scenario. Identify a teacher who would be willing to look at data with you. Where would you start? What questions would you ask and what would you suggest to move forward?

Lunch (11:30-12:45)

PM: Future Ready PA Index (12:45-2:15)

Overview of Indicators and Measures (Slides)

Handout: Which indicators and measures lend themselves to coaching?

Create a poster for each "coachable" indicator, listing ideas for coaching actions (Posters created by groups)

Visit https://futurereadypa.org to see how your school performed in 2017-18. Compare to other schools.

Reflection/Exit Ticket (2:15-2:30)