Research Testing of cord1 PRA in Miniature Wires

Post date: May 17, 2010 5:58:31 PM

The Animal Health Trust has made the Cord 1 PRA test available to owners of Miniature Wire Dachshunds since 1st January 2010.

They have now kindly offered to test a “research sample” of Miniature Wires to try to estimate the frequency of the mutation within the variety. To date there has been one “affected” dog and some “carriers” tested so the Cord 1 mutation is clearly in the Miniature Wire population, albeit in a very small way.

The Animal Health Trust is willing to do this testing free of charge and would report back breed statistics anonymously to the Breed Council as this data will help the Trust and the Breed Council determine the best advice for breeders to follow. Owners can receive their individual results.

The testing needs to be done on 50 different dogs, by 50 different sires out of 50 different dams. By testing this number of relatively unrelated dogs a fairly good estimate will be obtained of the frequency of the mutation within the breed.

Anybody willing to have their dogs tested should contact the co-ordinator Judy Squires (Miniature Dachshund Club) at 11 High Street, Hemingford Grey, Cambs. PE289DR, Tel. No. 01480 462813 or email

Please state your name, address and telephone number - as the testing kits will be sent direct from the Animal Health Trust to the owner - also the full name of the dog to be tested and the name of the sire and dam and whether it is of English, Continental or other breeding, as a good cross-section is required.

The names of those participating and details of their dogs will be kept confidential and will only be recorded by the co-ordinator and the AHT.