New date for Lafora Screening: 15/9/15

Post date: Jun 15, 2015 7:20:10 AM

The WHDC and Lafora Sub-committee are pleased to announce that the next testing session for a full spectrum blood test (Clear / Carrier / Affected) will be held on Tuesday 15th September 2015 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.) at the Poole House Veterinary Hospital, Lichfield, Staffs. WS13 8JY. Subsidised Costs of Testing:

For all NEW animals tested, owners will only have to pay £150. Those owners who have already paid £80 for testing via Centogene, whether they have received an Affected/Unaffected result or are still waiting for results will pay £70 if they now require a full test. The £70 fee will only apply to the actual dogs already tested via Centogene, i.e. no substitute dogs will be allowed.

The current cost for each full spectrum blood test is 300 Canadian Dollars (approximately £190). In addition there are vet fees for taking the blood samples, sample kits and courier fees for shipping the bloods to Canada, bringing the full, unsubsidised price to approximately £225 per test.

The test cost for new animals of £150 means that the Breed Clubs and Kennel Club Charitable Trust are subsidising the actual cost of testing, including vet fees and shipping, by £75.

Requests for forms should be made to: Sue Holt ( 0161 308 4403. It will be first come first served and tests must be pre-booked - you cannot just "turn up" on the day. Payment to be made by cash or cheque on the day of testing.

Wherever possible, it would make administration easier if forms can be e-mailed out, completed and e-mailed back. Postal copies are fine for those that do not have access to e-mail and the address is:

Sue Holt

25 Glenmore Grove


Cheshire SK16 4BH

All results will be recorded by the Kennel Club against the dog's registration details and can be viewed online via the KC Health Trst Results Finder.