Lafora Testing Update 26th April 2013

Post date: Apr 28, 2013 8:54:10 AM

The WHDC has published this update on the arrangements for Lafora testing:

The Lafora Testing Sub-Committee is happy to answer questions at any time, but we do ask that the information below is read in full first.

We are pleased to announce that the next testing session for a full spectrum blood test (Clear / Carrier / Affected) will be held in early July (date to be confirmed) again at the Poole House Veterinary Hospital, Lichfield, Staffs. WS13 8JY. When we have the date confirmed we will post it here. We anticipate one or two further bulk testing sessions (to keep veterinary costs to a minimum and maximise the number of tests possible), date and venue tbc shortly.

Costs of Testing:

The current cost for each full spectrum blood test is 300 Canadian Dollars (approximately £190). In addition there are vet fees for taking the blood samples, sample kits and carrier fees for shipping the bloods to Canada, bringing the full price to approximately £225 per test.

We have enough funds left to continue to subsidise tests with a third off the true cost for those who wish to participate in the WHDC scheme. This means that for all NEW animals tested, owners will only have to pay £150. Those owners who have already paid £80 for testing via Centogene and received an Affected / Unaffected result will pay £70 if they now require a full test. The £70 fee will only apply to the actual dogs already tested via Centogene, i.e. no substitute dogs will be allowed.

The test cost for NEW animals of £150 means that the Breed Clubs and Kennel Club Charitable Trust are subsidising the actual cost of testing, including vet fees and shipping, by £75. This level of subsidy will enable us to test up to 200 more dogs and fulfil the conditions of the KCCT grant. We hope that any owner who has previously submitted dogs for testing via the WHDC scheme recognises that their financial contribution helps ensure the subsidised test is made available to as many dogs as possible, thereby playing an invaluable part in improving the health of the breed. In the unfortunate event that an owner of a Centogene saliva-tested dog requests a refund on their Centogene test, we will honour the refund. However in these circumstances, those dogs will not be eligible for the £70 subsidy towards the full spectrum blood test. We have contacted all owners who did not receive a result from Centogene and invited them to the April testing session. If these owners did not attend that session, they will be welcome to attend the next testing session.

Forms for testing will be available from the middle of May (they are currently being revised). Test Forms will include an invitation to add a donation of £10.00 or more to a new fund being set up by the Laforadogs group, raising money towards providing support for owners of affected dogs. Any donors can opt to have their name/kennel name enrolled on a ‘Lafora Pioneers’ roll of honour on the Laforadogs website which will be linked to the WHDC database and other websites.

Requests for forms should be made to:

Sue Holt (

0161 308 4403


Nora Price (

01543 276797

Wherever possible, it would make administration easier if forms can be e-mailed out, completed and e-mailed back. Postal copies are fine for those that do not have access to e-mail and the address is:

Sue Holt

25 Glenmore Grove


Cheshire SK16 4BH

It will be first come first served and nearer the time people will be allocated a time slot for their test(s). Do not worry if there are not enough spaces on the first session. We intend to hold 2 more sessions of subsidised testing this year.

What Next?

When the funding for the subsidy has run out, tests will have to be done via owners’ individual vets and people will ship their own blood samples and liaise directly with Dr Minassian’s laboratory in Canada. Dr. Minassian has agreed that any UK owner of a Mini Wire Dachshund will be required to accept the condition that the results of testing will be notified to the WHDC Lafora Testing Committee for inclusion on the database.

We are currently in discussions with the Kennel Club to seek their approval to make this test a requirement (currently a recommendation) under the KC Assured Breeder Scheme. Under the Breed Council's Code of Ethics, it would also be an expectation that those who are not members of the ABS will make use of this full test before breeding from a Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund.