About John C. Harrison

John has 40 years’ experience as a copywriter, scriptwriter, and a writer of corporate trainings and books. He is also a gifted speaker, speechwriter and presentation coach.

John has run public speaking programs across the U.S. as well as in Canada, Ireland, England, and Australia.

John grew up extremely fearful of public speaking. In fact, as a child and young adult, he was plagued with a chronic stuttering problem.

But John lived through the fear, conquered the problem, and even wrote a 600-page book about it – REDEFINING STUTTERING: What the struggle to speak is really all about – that’s available from Amazon and as a free PDF download at http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/Infostuttering/Harrison/redefining.html .

John is a long-term member of Toastmasters and served as president of an advanced Toastmaster club in Belmont, California. He’s been a keynote speaker in Atlanta, London and Perth, Australia. He is also an occasional speaker at service clubs in the Bay Area, and is available to speak at your next luncheon or dinner meeting.

John is available to run an on-site Speaking Freely workshop at your place of business or organization.

In addition, he does private coaching and speechwriting.

Bron en lees meer >> http://www.speaking-freely.com/johnharrison.html

How I Recovered from Stuttering

A keynote speech by John C. Harrison to the Annual Meeting of the

British Stammering Association London, September 8, 2002


Wie ich mein Stottern besiegte – How I recovered from stuttering

Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Stefan Richter, Februar 2005



John E. Harrison, San Fransisco

Uit ‘Letting Go, januari 1992, het maandblad van de Amerikaanse stottervereniging NSP, vertaald door Anton Voermans en geplaatst in VHV 02 1992

