Must Know Dates

In Bold – know by date, not in bold - know chronologically

Foundations (8000 BCE – 600 CE)

8000 BCE - Beginnings of agriculture

3500 BCE – invention of wheel, plough (Mesopotamia) and sail (Egypt)

3200 BCE – Invention of writing in Mesopotamia

3000 BCE – founding of first cities in Sumeria

7th C BCE – invention of ironworking

5th century BCE - Beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism and Greek Golden Age

323 BCE - Alexander the Great

221 BCE – Qin unified China

184 BCE – Fall of the Mauryan dynasty

32 CE = Beginnings of Christianity

180 CE – end of Pax Romana

220 CE – end of Han Dynasty

312 CE - Roman Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity

320- rise of the Gupta in India

333 – Roman capital moved to Constantinople

476 – Fall of Rome in the West ends 800 years of Roman hegemony

527 – Justinian rules Byzantine Empire

550- Fall of the Gupta in India


622 - Rise of Islam

730 Printing invented in China

732 – Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move to France)

900- Decline of classical Maya

1054 – Schism of Greek and Latin Christian Churches divides Christianity permanently into two geographical and denominational halves.

1066 – Norman Conquest of England

1071 – Seljuk defeat of Byzantines (Battle of Manzikert)

1095 – 1st Crusade

1206 Genghis Khan begins his conquest of Asia.

1215 Magna Carta signed by King John at Runnymede: beginning of constitutional rule.

1258 – Mongols sack Baghdad

1271-1295 – Marco Polo travels

1300s - Rise of Ottomans

1324 – Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage

1325-1349 - travels of Ibn Battuta

1347-1348 - Bubonic plague in Europe

1433 - end of Zheng He’s voyages

1438 – Rise of the Inca


1453 - Ottomans capture Constantinople

1486 – Aztec Empire at its height

1488 - Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope

1492 - Columbus sailed to Hispaniola/Reconquista of Spain

1502 – first African slaves transported to Caribbean

1517 - Martin Luther/95 theses – Protestant Reformation

1521- Cortez conquered the Aztecs

1533- Pizarro toppled the Inca

1545 - discovery of silver at Potosi

1571 - Battle of Lepanto – naval defeat of Ottomans

1588 - defeat of the Spanish Armada

1600 - Battle of Sekigahara – beginning of Tokugawa Shogunate

1607 - founding of Jamestown (first slaves there in 1619)

1618-1648 - 30 years war in Europe

1644 – End of Ming Dynasty – rise of the Qing

1652 – Establishment of Cape Town Colony

1683- unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna

1689 - Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights


1756-1763 -7 years war/French and Indian War

Industrial Revolution begins – steam locomotive, textiles, etc.

1767 - Invention of the Spinning Jenny: man-using machines

1776 - American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations

1789 - French Revolution

1796 Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccination: the first real breakthrough in combating infectious diseases

1804 - Haitian independence

1807 – British Abolition of the slave trade

1810-1825 – Latin American independence (first Mexican Revolution)

1815 - Metternich hosts Congress of Vienna (after Battle of Waterloo: the Napoleonic Empire ends)

1839 - 1st opium war between China and England

1848 - European revolutions/Marx & Engels write Communist Manifesto

1853- Commodore Perry opens Japan

1857- Sepoy Mutiny in India

1861- end of Russian serfdom/Italian unification

1863 - Emancipation Proclamation issued in US

1871- German unification

1885 - Berlin Conference and Benz develops first petrol-driven car

1893 – New Zealand is the first to award women suffrage; other nations in the Commonwealth soon follow

1896 – Battle of Adwa – Ethiopians fend off Italians.

1898 - Spanish-American War – Spain loses colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines)

1899 - Boer War – Dutch under British rule in South Africa

1905 - Russo-Japanese war and Einstein’s theory of special relativity published

1910 -1920 - Mexican Revolution / 1911- Chinese Revolution


1914 -1919 – WWI/ Treaty of Versailles

1917 - Russian Revolution

1929 - stock market crash/Great Depression

1931 - Japanese invasion of Manchuria

1935 - Italian invasion of Ethiopia

1939 - German blitzkrieg in Poland

1941 - Pearl Harbor

1943 - Soviets defeat Germans at Stalingrad

1944 - D-Day

1945 - end of WWII – and dropping of atomic bombs on Japan

1947 - freedom & partition of India

1948 - birth of Israel

1949 - Chinese Communist Revolution

1950-1953 - Korean War

1954 - Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu

1956 - de-Stalinization/Nationalization of Suez Canal

1957 – Ghana is first African nation to gain independence

1959 - Cuban Revolution and Invention of the silicon chip is the major technical invention of the past century, making possible the computer age.

1967 - 6 day war/Chinese Cultural Revolution

1973 - Yom Kippur War

1979 - Iranian Revolution

1987 - 1st Palestinian Intifada

1989 - Tiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wall - Collapse of Communist regimes in Europe; Asian communism is also transformed.

1990 – Namibia is the last country to gain independence in Africa

1991 - Fall of USSR/1st Gulf war

1994 - Genocide in Rwanda/1st all race elections in S. Africa

2001 - 9/11 attacks

2003 – Second Gulf War