
First Semester Final Exam Items

1st Semester APWH Geography Final Exam

GEOGRAPHY FINAL Eastern Hemipshere.jpeg

GEOGRAPHY FINAL WESTern Hemisphere.jpeg

Land Forms

Himalayan Mountains

Alps Mountains

Andes Mountains

Rocky Mountains

Atlas Mountains

Isthmus of Panama

Yucatan Peninsula

Iberian Peninsula

Arabian Peninsula

Scandinavian Peninsula

Cape of Good Hope

Sahara Desert

Philippine Islands

Indonesian Islands



Hawaiian Islands

Bodies of Water

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Caribbean Sea

Gulf of Mexico

Sea of Japan

Mediterranean Sea

Black Sea

Baltic Sea

Caspian Sea

Red Sea

Arabian Sea

Persian Gulf

Bay of Bengal

Strait of Magellan

Strait of Gibraltar

Strait of Malacca/ Melaka

Bering Sea/Strait

Danube River

Tigris River

Euphrates River

Ganges River

Indus River

Huang He (Yellow) River

Yangzi/Yangtze River

Nile River

Niger River

Congo River

St. Lawrence River

Amazon River

Rio de la Plata River

Also, general identification of the world regions, given to you in a map at the begining of the year, specifically these regions:

North Africa; West Africa; East Africa; Equatorial Africa; Southwest Asia; East Asia; Southeast Asia; Latin America; South Asia; North America; Western and Central Europe; Russia – Southeast Europe and the Caucasus

web stats analysis