Unit 2 - Research Methods

Useful Links for the three research projects:

HW Assignment - Why do high schools in MCPS have such different SAT scores? Need to ‘survey’ at least 5 high schools in MCPS and examine at least 10 variables. You could expand survey to include other high schools if you can get the same information for them as you have in your survey for MCPS.

Formative Assignment - Why do states have such different high school graduation rates? Need to ‘survey at least 5 states and examine at least 10 variables. You could expand survey to include more states, or include cities within the states for further information, but make sure you can get the same information from all.

Other Data Sources

Summative Assignment - Why do students perform differently academically? Can narrow this down to a variety of topics like: complete their assigned course readings, do their homework, study for tests, come on time to school, pay attention in class, etc. Need to survey at least 50 students at Northwood but from a range of classes (freshmen to seniors, on-level to AP, etc.). You could expand survey to include students from other schools, but you need to get the same information from them, and need to pick students randomly if possible.

Other Means of Showing Data (some allow you to upload data)-

Sample survey: