

This is not an assignment or even a strong recommendation, but as I know children will play games, why not a historical games.

Student-Created Games:

Kate Rifken's Game on Early Civilizations

Andy Rifken's Game on Epidemic Diseases

Michael Sheahan (R.I.P.) and Eric Meyer's WWII Game

Clara Chow and Erin Ahler's Indian Ocean Game

Ross Pedersen and Michael Marty's Crusades Game

Scott Burlingham, Jed Grimmer and Gabe Obee's Terrorism Game

Catherine Turng and Yi Yi's Pirates and Merchants Game.ppt

David Hiskins, Amy Yan, and Walter Cai's Opium Game.swf (click to open, it might say it does not work, then open it with a browser (IE, Firefox) and allow it to be opened (so ignore security warnings). Otherwise right click on it nd click on open in Internet Explorer. Explorer will come up with an empty screen and there will be a pop up at the top saying you can't open this file because it's blocked. Click on that and it'll open a little list of some options. One of them is disable the security and allow the blocked content. Click on this, and everything should work. (Instructions on the IE from David, can't verify as I don't have IE).

Online Games:

Tomb of the Unknown Mummy


Mayan Ball Game!!

Wayfinders Game (Polynesians!)

Trading Places - Simulation of British Trading Company

Viking Quest - a fun game, some violence

1066 - The Game

Battle of Hastings Game

Castle defense game

Medieval Women Simulation

Games associated with yarn - not as boring as it sounds

Inca Archeology Game

Jamestown Adventure Game

Upper Canada Settlement Game

Galileo's Experiments

Battle of Trafalgar

Battle of Waterloo

Who Wants to Be a Cotton Millionaire

Titanic's Keys to the Past

Canadian Museum of History's Over the Top WWI Game

WWI Trench warfare 1917 Game

BBC's Trench warfare Game

Torpedo the Ship! (WWII)

War Games 1983 - no actual login is required, its part of the game

CNN Cold War Games

3rd World Farmer Game Online

Topography Game - get to know cities, but it is time consuming!

Various games on several history topics, created by British teachers

World History Computer Games Home - from Gaming the Past - lots of links

Various simulations (Wadworth)

PBS NOVA's various games

Fresh prep review site with games, essay questions and raps on global history

Need a laugh?

Board Games:

Video Games: While generally I am not a fan of promoting most of these kinds of games, but if this is a losing battle in your household there are some that are better than others in terms of historical content.

  • Civilization III (or the most recent version) does a good job of showing environmental and geographical factors, technological diffusion, and trade and economics. However there are problems with it, namely that students can in effect change history by their actions and that it takes a long time to play, time which would be better spent reading their textbooks. The other games listed below are far inferior in quality and value
  • Age of Empires – uses European eras and progress is linear, ignores large parts of the globe, and once you are a “Barbarian” you will never advance. Uses only total warfare.
  • Rise of Nations – similar problems to the above, but does okay with trade an warfare.

Mrs. Bond-Lamberty's JMM APWH Website

web stats analysis