Act 2

ACT TWO: Flavio’s house

SCENE ONE: Mezzetino, Pantalone, Lavinia, Flavio

Mezzetino greets Pantalone and Lavinia as they arrive, and reassures Pantalone that nothing bad will happen. Flavio comes and boasts of his wealth and what a fine home he lives in and what good care he will take of his wife and father-in-law. Everyone takes their seats and Mezzetino begins serving up a fabulous feast, expounding on the virtues of his master all the while. Just as Pantalone seems to be giving in, strange noises begin coming from upstairs. Flavio and Mezzetino first blame it on some inane cause (wind, house settling, termites, etc) but the sounds continue and become more obviously recognizable as a voice crying out in despair. Pantalone becomes frightened and leaves with Lavinia, swearing that the only way she will set foot in the house again is over his dead body.

SCENE TWO: Mezzetino, Flavio

Confused, Mezzetino and Flavio go off to investigate the cause of the noises.

SCENE THREE: Mezzetino, Arlecchino

While Flavio is investigating elsewhere, Mezzetino discovers the cause of the noise to be Arlecchino, who had gone on one of the haunted house tours and become lost. Mezzetino kicks Arlecchino out before Flavio sees him.

SCENE FOUR: Mezzetino, Flavio

Flavio returns, having found nothing unusual. Mezzetino blames the noise on some inane cause (cat, neighbors, etc.)