About Adrie van der Horst

About: Adrie vd Horst


Thinking of Christmas, of the New year and of people who were in my mind 2019 and will be in 2020, Adrie van der Horst came to my mind. Come with me. I´ll illumine the man behind the name a bit. You saw his name in Facebook many times. Who is he?

Adrie (1945) is an Adlerian psychologist with a fine sensibility for use of language. And he is an historian.

He is not wealthy. On the contrary. He belongs to the poor people of his country, Holland. He has no car, he has nothing more than that, what people -as a minimum- need to survive. But he and his wife Miep, they love each other. They live Gemeinschaftsgefühl and are courageous enough to speak up when there is injustice in their community and beyond.

He has a special interest for what happened in the past and he has a special talent to trace what has ever been printed or said. We are proud and happy to have him as a mountain of knowledge and oriëntation in the dutch Adlerian movement. He found and systematised a hudge amount of books, artikels and newspaper-information from the time, that Alfred Adler visited the Netherlands 1923 and 1926 until today. Adler had dutch friends and gifted students who translated talks given bei Adler.They translated and published Adlers and their own books. Thanks to Adrie they are available and did not get lost. I believe he found them all, but you never can know.

And very special: Adrie and Miep came together in an Adlerian Group-Therapy for adult stutterers.They married and both overcame their severe stuttering in their adult life, with the help of their adlerian way of living .

We need examples!
