‎CasualConc 1.0 and more...‎

投稿日: Oct 18, 2009 5:16:6 PM

I didn't get any feedback/bug reports (sadly...), so I've decided to make the latest build 1.0. Now officially it's out of beta, just because I decided so.

Here's the minor changes I've made since the last post. The biggest change is the inclusion of the help file. It's basically the same information you can find on this site, without images.

Casualconc version 1.0

Bug Fix

- timer for File Info now working

- move tables in Cluster moves everything including span and type

- word list import now functions


- creating File Info table is much faster

- progress bar in File mode progresses based on the number of files processed

- now including help files (the same content as you find on the site; English only)

From now on, I will only maintain this version if I ever get bug reports. I've already started making more fundamental changes (background) and adding features I want to use. I'll release the new version as version 1.x in the future (I'm not sure when). If you have any feature requests, I'll try to add them once I finish making changes I want to make. So if you have any, please let me know. You can email me to the address in Contact or leave your comment on the blog or post on the discussion board.

I've also updated CasualTagger, CasualTextractor, and CasualMecab. These are still under development and might have a lot of bugs. Also the documentation is not up-to-date. I'll probably wait until features are set before I update the documentation. Most of the new functions are obvious, but some are not so. But if you are interested, please try them and let me know what you think. Any bug report is welcome. More information about the updates are on the blog. The new betas are available on this site (under Other Applications).