CasualConc update and CasualTranscriber

投稿日: Nov 07, 2009 3:29:41 PM

Well, I didn't plan to add any new feature to CasualConc 1.0, but I changed my mind... This is partly because a couple of new features I added to the current beta are useful and one of them is what I wanted to include in version 1.0, but hadn't figured out how. Also I found a bug, which is kind of major, in Cluster, and a minor (meaning I don't expect many people use the feature) bug with lemma was also fixed.

CasualConc Version 1.0.2

Bug fix

- In Cluster, the same cluster was counted twice if a search word/phrase appears twice in a cluster (such as 'is that is')

- Related to the above one: in Cluster, if a search word appears twice in a cluster, only one word was colored

- In Cluster and Collocation with Lemma search is on, not all words with the same lemma appear in the list (right most column)

New feature/enhancement

- Concordance Plot -- you need to set 'Scope of Context' to 'File' and check 'Create Concordance Plot'

- Search word/context search word history

I hope these new features didn't introduce new bugs...

I also updated CasualTranscriber, a transcription helper application. Now it runs on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. And I added 'insert tag' function and enhanced regular expression search/replace.