
CasualMecab is a simple utility program to parse Japanese text with MeCab. You need to install MeCab to use this program. Check this page for how to install them. Currently this program is beta. By the way CasualMecab is also free.

System Requirement: Any Mac with Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or later + MeCab This application does not run on 10.12 or later. Please use CasualTagger for tagging Japanese text.

The current version of CasualMecab is 0.7.1.

Now, Yosemite-compatible version is available. This application does not run on 10.12 or later.

System Requirement: Any Mac with Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later (including Yosemite) + MeCab

I created a MeCab and MeCab-Ruby installer. This is still not fully tested, but if you are brave enough, please try this and let me know if this works.

System Requirement: 64-bit Mac with Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 or later

System Requirement: 64-bit Mac with Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.10 or later

The information is on this page is not up-to-date (I'm updating it).

How to use


This mode allows you to open a text file or copy and paste text to parse.

Check CasualMecab - Single for more details


Batch mode allows you to batch process text file parsing. Text file will be created for each file with the _mecab added (.txt -> _mecab.txt) when saved in the same folder or saved with the same name in a different folder. Due to forced line breaks, PDF files cannnot be batch-processed (technically, this function can be added).

    1. Click Add File(s) button to add text files to the table. You can add multiple files/folders.

    2. Alternately, you can drag & drop text files onto the table.

    3. If you do not want to process some files, simply select the files on the table and click Delete Selected File(s) button. You can clear the table by clicking Clear Table button.

    4. If you check Delete Aozora Rubi, text in 《》 will be deleted when the files are processed.

    5. You can check the content of the files by checking Preview and selecting a file on the table.

    6. Select text encoding of the original files and the process type. You can change text encodings on the table.

    7. If you are sure you want to process the files on the table, click Process button. The program prompts you to select a folder to save files. Unfortunately, with current version, you cannot create a folder when you select a folder.

    8. If you check Save to Original Folder, the text files will be created in the same folder as the original text files when you click Process button.

Word List

