VEX Robotics

Link For Brief Introduction of The Latest Competition (Rise Above) Of Vex IQ 

Official Website Of Vex Robotics

Vex IQ Challenge

In the VEX IQ Challenge, teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play with other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more. 

VEX Robotics is educational robotics for everyone. VEX solutions span all levels of both formal and informal education with accessible, scalable, and affordable solutions. Beyond science and engineering principles, VEX encourages creativity, teamwork, leadership, and problem solving among groups. It allows educators of all types to engage and inspire the STEM problem solvers of tomorrow!  


Vex IQ Construction System

VEXcode is a coding environment with an intuitive layout that meets students at their coding level. VEXcode is consistent across Blocks and Text, across VEX IQ and VEX V5, allowing them to focus on creating with technology, rather than navigating a new layout as they progress. 

The VEX IQ system includes plastic, snap-together pieces designed specifically for the dexterity for young hands. Students can easily build their first robot, and the wide variety of additional parts means that students can build a robot that is bigger, stronger, and more functional as students continue to learn.

                               Vex IQ Basic Drivetrain

Different Programs For Vex IQ Modkit Link

        Clear Instructions For Young Students To Build

Educational Robotics Opens Minds

At VEX, we envision a world where every student has the opportunity to be inspired by the excitement of hands-on, minds-on STEM learning and the feeling of creating something with technology. Here are some other amazing effects of teaching and learning with educational robotics:

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                                         Different Series of Vex

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