App Inventor 2

App Inventor 2!!

Bees and MIT app inventors share many of the same qualities, and they make the world a better place! Bees work hard, individually and in groups, to improve their communities all around the world Bees are creators and makers Bees are industrious and committed to achieving their goals The work that bees do (pollination) is important for the well-being of our planet, just as the apps created by MIT App Inventor users create positive change in the world through mobile computing!

The User Interface Screen

Here are the basic components :

Button, Checkbox, Date Picker, Image, Label, List Picker, ListView, Notifier, Password Text Box, Screen, Slider, Spinner, Switch, Text Box, Time Picker, and Web Viewer.



Buttons are components that users touch to perform some action in your app.

Buttons detect when users tap them. Many aspects of a button's appearance can be changed. You can use the Enabled property to choose whether a button can be tapped.

Text Box

The initial or user-entered text value in a text box component is in the Text property. If Text is blank, you can use the Hint property to provide the user with a suggestion of what to type. The Hint appears as faint text in the box.

The MultiLine property determines if the text can have more than one line. For a single-line text box, the keyboard will close automatically when the user presses the Done key. To close the keyboard for multiline text boxes, the app should use the HideKeyboard method or rely on the user to press the Back key.


Labels are components used to show text. They cannot be edited by the user.


The Top-level component containing all other components in the program.

Block Coding 

Types of Blocks

This video will teach you how to use each block correctly to build a program.

Ways to Try the Program 


App Inventor includes an emulator that lets you develop and test apps using a virtual phone instead of a real phone. Instead of connecting a phone to the USB port, just start the emulator program. When you click Connect to Phone in the Blocks Editor, your app will appear in the emulator.

You can’t do everything with the emulator that you can with a real phone — you can’t shake it, for example, and the emulator can’t make or receive phone calls — but you can use the emulator to create apps and test them, and install them on a phone later if you like.

A.I. Companion

Scan the QR Code or type in the Six Character Code to try out the app on your phone! * Only Android devices can do this.