Primary 4

Term 1

Curriculum Title: Robotic Activities (Level 2) - Six-Legged Gearbox Walking Robot (Hexabot)

Curriculum Description:
This curriculum is designed to teach robotics and engineering principles to Primary 4 students through hands-on activities and guided instruction using the Six-Legged Gearbox Walking Robot (Hexabot). Students will learn how to build and control a physical robot, learning engineering design concepts such as mechanical design, sensors, and the engineering design process.

Learning Objectives (LO):

LO - Knowledge:

LO - Generic Skills:

LO - Attitude and Value:

LO - Science:

LO - Technology:

LO - Engineering:

LO - Arts:

LO - Mathematics:

In addition to the above objectives, students will also be encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills and to use technology in a responsible and ethical manner.

Term 2

Curriculum Title: Scratch

Curriculum Description:
This curriculum is designed to introduce Primary 4 students to programming concepts through hands-on activities and guided instruction using Scratch. Students will learn how to create interactive games, animations, and stories using visual block coding. They will explore programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables.

Learning Objectives (LO):

LO - Knowledge:

LO - Generic Skills:

LO - Attitude and Value:

LO - Science:

LO - Technology:

LO - Engineering:

LO - Arts:

LO - Mathematics:

In addition to the above objectives, students will also be encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills and to use technology in a responsible and ethical manner.

Term 3

Curriculum Title: iPad Apps

Curriculum Description:
This curriculum is designed to introduce Primary 4 students to a variety of iPad applications through hands-on activities and guided instruction. Students will learn how to use different iPad apps, such as the Camera, Minecraft EDU, Puppet Pals, Toontastic, Stop Motion Studio, Flipaclip, 3D Bear, iMovie, Superimpose X, Book Creator, and Art Apps. They will explore various aspects of digital media creation, collaboration, and communication.

Learning Objectives (LO):

LO - Knowledge:

LO - Generic Skills:

LO - Attitude and Value:

LO - Science:

LO - Technology:

LO - Engineering:

LO - Arts:

LO - Mathematics:

In addition to the above objectives, students will also be encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills and to use technology in a responsible and ethical manner.