Writing week eight

More description and analysis


  • Where would you be on the Likert Scales to the questions on the right?
  • How different are your opinions from the rest of the class?
  • For what kind of research questions might it be helpful and relevant to gather people’s opinions?

I spend too much time on social media.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

Social media should be blocked in university classrooms.

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

I would still use social media if it wasn't free

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

Collecting data and writing up

  1. You are going to gather some data from the rest of the class. Work in pairs and come up with three questions to ask people related to the topics on the right.
  2. Create a quiz on Google Forms, and send it to your classmates. Think about how you will word the questions, and choose an appropriate question type to get the information you're looking for. Remember:
    • Open questions (e.g. What do you think about [X]) are more interesting, but also more difficult to quantify.
    • Closed questions (e.g. Do you like [Y]), on the other hand, are easy to quantify, but may not tell us very much.
    • Multiple choice questions and Likert scales can also help quantify people’s preferences and opinions.
  3. Take 10-15 minutes to complete as many of your classmates' questions as you can
  4. Once everyone has finished providing their answers, return to your pairs to check your responses.
  5. Use the data to write a Results paragraph followed by a Discussion. Your Results paragraph should describe the data that you collected and the discussion section should offer the analysis, so you will need to refer back to last week's class to review what to include in each, and what kind of language to use.
  6. Upload your completed paragraphs to Google Classroom.
Food, culture, social activities, study habits, future plans, learning English
Girl reading a dictionary
Does anyone actually like studying? Remember, answers are anonymous so please be honest.