Student Representation

Role of the Student Representatives

Course reps are elected by their peers in their department to act as a two-way mechanism of communication between the University and the student body they represent. They convey the views and interests of students to the department and within the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA).

Academic representation is a partnership between students, through the University of York Students’ Union (YUSU) and the GSA, and the department. Together, we aim to ensure that students play an essential role in monitoring, driving and developing the quality of the academic experience here.


As a Biology Graduate Student rep, you would be required to attend BGSB meetings (three a year, lasting around two hours each) and the Biology Board of Studies (BoS), meeting six times a year (twice a term) and act on behalf of your fellow students. For example, this could be making suggestions for change and improvement and feedback on Graduate School activities. The Biology BGSB and BoS Reps have over-arching responsibility for all Graduate students registered in the Department of Biology and work alongside the Programme Reps for the BBSRC DTP and NERC ACCE programmes to share duties when and where appropriate. Student reps also attend the postgraduate student voice commitee alongside the Director for Students to share and discuss feedback from fellow students.


Postgraduate Student reps are supported by the GSA, with dedicated support and training throughout the year following the elections and initial training in the autumn term, which is coordinated jointly with between the GSA and YUSU

Programmes Represented

Elected PGR students sit on PGR Committees and represent the following degree programmes:

  • Biology PGR Degrees (BGSB and BoS)

  • White Rose BBSRC DTP

  • NERC ACCE programme

  • MSc by Research

  • PhD in Biomedical Sciences

Becoming a representative

If you’d like to represent the views of your fellow students and have a say in how your course is run, why not apply to be a course rep?

Elections for Grad Reps take place annually - please watch out for emails from the Graduate Office.

Current Student Reps

The names and contact emails of the current students reps can be found at: