Student Evaluation & Feedback

Importance of Feedback

We take your views on your experience within the department and University very seriously. This is an important part of the University’s programme of quality assurance and enhancement, and in the appraisal of members of staff. As such, there are points during your degree where you will be asked to give detailed feedback on your experiences as a student and researcher; for example, a Review of Supervision form is completed as part of each meeting of your Thesis Advisory Panel and you may be asked to complete the sector-wide Postgraduate Research Student Experience Survey (PRES).

Your support of this process, by providing relevant and constructive feedback, is critical in delivering the best possible research student journey, as well as in facilitating the continued success of postgraduate research at York.

The Department of Biology welcomes feedback from its students and values their judgement on the quality of their experience whilst studying in the Department.

Points of Contact

Student experience is extremely important to us and we welcome suggestions on how to improve the feedback opportunities we have in place.

In order to help to facilitate feedback the Biology Graduate School offers the following points of contact:

A Graduate Student Voice Committee within the Biology department meets regularly throughout the year to facilitate communication between the student reps and staff, and it reports its discussions to the BGSB.

Anonymous Feedback Form