Departmental programmes


The Department is involved in the running and/or administration of several different postgraduate research training programmes. These include:

  • PhD programmes (3 or 4 years)

  • MSc by Research (1 year)

PhD Programmes

Doctoral Training Programmes (4 Year)

Doctoral Training Programmes (DTPs) are cohort-based training programmes funded by External Agencies (typically Research Councils or Charities). The DTPs:

  • recruit several students per year.

  • involve some programme-specific cohort-based training.

  • typically involve other Universities and/or Departments at York.

Individual Programmes

Targeted Doctoral Studentships (3 or 4 Year)

Targeted Doctoral Studentships (TDSs) are individual studentships tied to specific projects, resulting from awards won by academic staff from a wide-variety of funding bodies. The TDSs:

  • includes studentships from benefactors, departmental awards, or government-sponsored agencies.

  • may have their own specialised training requirements, but typically they follow the standard training of the Biology 3 or 4 year PhD.

Programme Coordinator: Dr. Peter Mayhew

MSc by Research (1 Year)

An MSc by Research (MxR) is a 1 year programme, that follows the standard training of the Biology 3 PhD in the first year.

  • Typically self-funded studentships, for students applying to individual projects with academic staff members.

  • It is not subject to the progression requirements of the longer PhD programmes.

Programme Coordinator: Dr. Peter Mayhew