Governance and Committees

Biology Graduate School Board (BGSB)

The Department and University have lots of committees. The principal body you will deal with is the Biology Graduate School Board (BGSB).

The BGSB is the formal body within the Department that oversees the Graduate Research School. It implements University policies relating to graduate research students, creates/implements relevant Departmental policy, oversees graduate research student training and professional development, oversees graduate research recruitment, and tracks the academic progression of graduate research students (PhD and Masters by Research).

Reporting: The BGSB reports to the Departmental Board of Studies.

Chair: Director of the Graduate Studies.

Secretary: Graduate School Administrator.

Membership: The core of the committee are: Academics with responsibilities for the various PhD programmes and the MSc by Research programme, Graduate Training Officer(s) and the Graduate Admissions Officer.

Student Representation: The BGSB has student members, who represent the various PhD programmes and the MSc by Research programme. These are elected on an annual basis. (See Student Representation)

Frequency of Meeting: Normally once a term.

Further Information (Terms of Reference)

BGSB_tor November 2015