Second Formal Review of Progress

Progression Criteria and Student Evidence for Progression into Year 3 of a full-time PhD programme (or equivalent stage of a part-time PhD programme)


A student must demonstrate that they:

a) can describe in detail the research questions their project will answer and how this will lead to a substantial original contribution to knowledge or understanding;

b) have planned in a realistic fashion the third year (or equivalent) of their research, based on the expectation that the project will be completed and the thesis submitted on time, indicating any risks and how these will be mitigated;

c) have the ability to write up their research in an appropriate academic format for it to be critically assessed by peer reviewers and examiners;

d) have begun to acquire the wider background knowledge of their research field required for the degree of PhD;

e) can apply the relevant research methods, techniques and theoretical approaches required to make an original contribution to knowledge or understanding;

f) have undertaken all required training;

g) have considered ethical issues (including data management) where applicable.


  1. Year 2 talk delivered during Spring Skills week (or equivalent)
  2. A maximum 3,000 word report in the style of a paper, a thesis plan and a timetable for completion submitted 3 weeks before six week window
  3. Adequate SkillsForge record which includes all mandatory training and a sufficient range of ‘expected’ training

Your talk powerpoint, your report and performance at the formal review meeting allow you to demonstrate you have met criteria (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).

Your SkillsForge record allows you to demonstrate you have met criteria (f) and (g).


In Biology, the second formal review of progress takes places in six week window which is at 21 months (weeks 36-41 inclusive of Y2). The Progress Review meeting between the student and the Progression Panel is integrated with the second TAP meeting of the year so that in addition to making a formal decision about progression, the Panel works with the student to deliver the developmental aspect of the TAP and completes the TAP form.

Any second attempt at progression occurs by 24 months.

Timeline for the second formal review of progress

Relevant Training Activities

A list of training activities and whether they are Mandatory, Expected or Optional for your programme can be found on the following spreadsheet.

PGR requirements and training catalogue

Further Information

Contact: Amanda Barnes, PGR student Training and Development Officer