
The first few lessons in Y7 science will be the completion of a transition project. The aims are to cover safety information, useful numeracy skills for science, different pieces of scientific equipment, using a Bunsen burner safely and graph drawing

Science will be taught in themes in Y7. Each theme will last for roughly a term.

The 3 themes are:

  • Destroying the planet

  • Saving the planet

  • Leaving the planet

Within each theme, there will be short science topics where subject knowledge and skills are taught

At the end of each term there will be theme lessons where pupils get the chance to apply their knowledge to different situations.

Open evening Y7 science presentation.pdf

Online Science Resources

Destroying the Planet

DTP Y7 Homework.pdf

Saving the Planet

STP Y7 Homework.pdf

Leaving the Planet

LTP Y7 Homework.pdf