Design & Technology

In Design &Technology year 7 have the opportunity to work on a range of projects and tasks through a variety of different areas. These include Product Design, Textiles and Food Technology. Alongside Science, these will be taught in themes. Each theme will last for roughly a term.

The 3 themes are:

  • Destroying the planet

  • Saving the planet

  • Leaving the planet

Within each theme, there will be short design and make project where students will have the opportunity to work in new environments learning new skills by using a range of workshop tools and machines, or learning new/improving existing food skills. Some of the projects the students will have the opportunity to undertake are:

  • Design and Make a Model Boat

  • Design and Make a Metal Hook/Hanger

  • Healthy Eating – including making a range of healthy dishes

  • Design and Make an Ugly Doll

The Design and Technology staff are committed to making your lessons fun, and insist on having a practical approach when learning in Design and Technology.

Online Design Technology Resources