TAS  Subjects
Years 9 & 10

Georgia Kemp

Technological and Applied Studies courses allow and develop students to demonstrate innovative thinking, creative problem solving along with skill acquisition, through the management of projects to meet criteria within a set timeframe; these skills are highly advantageous and appealing to the 21st World of work. The majority of the courses contain a hands-on practical element and are often driven by student choice, allowing students to pursue areas of interest and passion. 

Agriculture Technology

Agriculture/Horticulture provides a broad range of experiences both in theory and practice that allow students to develop understanding and knowledge of enterprises producing plant and animal products, and of the practices and skills required in those enterprises.

Agriculture 1  (Yr 9 or 10, 2025 )

Experience aspects of an agricultural lifestyle through direct contact with plants and animals.Your studies will assist you to examine and make responsible decisions about the appropriate use of agricultural technologies.

Course Code: S5ATE_Agriculture 2025

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in agriculture and horticulture

What Students Learn:

The elective focus is on agriculture and horticulture practices 
Students undertake a range of practical experiences related to 


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Agriculture 2  (Yr 9 or 10, 2026)

Experience aspects of an agricultural lifestyle through direct contact with plants and animals.Your studies will assist you to examine and make responsible decisions about the appropriate use of agricultural technologies.

Course Code: S5ATE_Agriculture 2026

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in agriculuture. 

What Students Learn:

The elective focus is on agriculture and horticulture practices 

Students undertake a range of practical experiences related to 


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Design Technology

The Design and Technology course focuses on developing skills in the management and evaluation of design projects within a variety of mediums. It explores the design process, along with how issues and factors affect design within society.

Jewellery  (Yr 9 or 10 )

This elective will focus on designing and constructing wearable jewellery pieces using both metal and non-metal materials. Students will explore both theoretical and practical skill development through project based learning,

Course Code: S5DTE_Jewellery

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in deisgn and metal smithing skills

What Students Learn:

WHS, machine and hand skills, working both individually and collaboratively, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management plus use of the design process. Specific jewellery techniques include:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


Students may incure costs if they choose to complete projects using precious metals

Food Technology

Food is an integral part of our life, forming an important aspect of our culture and society. The Australian Food and Beverage Industry is a growth industry in which food and catering play a significant role, offering employment opportunities for employees, with a range of skills. 

Food  Technology (Yr9)

Course Code: 09TFT

Year Level: Year 9.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in food preparation and its historical and current influence on society

What Students Learn:

WHS, safe food handling skills, investigating and understanding cultures, design, plan and prepare foods, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management.
Students will explore through both theoretical and practical preparation:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Food Technology (Yr10)

Course Code: 10TFT

Year Level: Year10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in food preparation, working as part of a team to cater for functions while learning about: the hospitality industry, food product development, the distribution of food around the world and its impact on societies.

What Students Learn:

WHS, food safety, understanding of work and employment skills, legislation requirements, how to design, plan and prepare foods, work effectively both individually and collaboratively, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management.

Students will explore through both theoretical and practical preparation:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Graphics Technology

Graphics Technology develops students’ understanding of the significance of graphical communication, and the techniques and technologies used to convey technical and non- technical ideas and information. The study of Graphics Technology is particularly relevant in the age of globalised industry and rapid technological development, where computer aided design (CAD), 3 Dimensional printing, Laser cutting, computer aided manufacturer (CAM), interactive graphic design (IGD) and multimedia applications are widely used. 

Graphics 1  (Yr 9 or 10 - 2025)

Students will explore practical instrument drawing while producing a range of graphical presentations including 2D/3D coordinate geometry, scale and measurement to carry out basic drafting. Individuals will have the opportunity to apply drafting conventions to create and construct both 2D and 3D images used to create products in the real world. 

Course Code: S5DTE_Graphics 1

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in Technical Drawing drafting and Compulter Aided Design modelling

What Students Learn:

Graphic principles and techniques including design and basic illustration, WHS, working both individually and collaboratively as a design team, specific technical vocabulary for the drafting industry, planning and time management, use of current industry practices.
Students will learn about:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Graphics 2  (Yr 9 or 10 - 2026)

Using freehand sketching and accurate drafting techniques students will explore the manipulation and production of images using computer-based drafting and presentation technologies. 

Course Code: S5DTE_Graphics 2

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in Technical Drawing drafting and Compulter Aided Design modelling

What Students Learn:

Planning and Construction drawings with a focus on Engineering drawing. WHS, communication and presentation skills, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management.


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Information & Software Technology

Information Software and Technology is an exciting and challenging course, designed to develop students’ knowledge, confidence and creativity in designing, analysing, developing and evaluating information technology solutions.

Information Software and Technology (IST) focuses on developing computer skills through the completion of a variety of projects. These projects form the basis for assessment and develop student’s techniques and knowledge of technology, with a foundation in computational and design thinking.

Information Software Technology 1 - 2025  (Yr 9 or 10)

Unit 1: Build a PC - Whether you are looking to simply save a few $$$ by building your next home PC yourself, purchase and build a custom ‘Beast’ gaming rig and flex on console gamers, or have an interest in becoming a professional hardware technician, this unit aims to offer a hands-on approach to learning about the various PC components, what they do, and how they do it.  

Unit 2: Gaming Design - Whether you are looking to become an Indie Game Developer, build a portfolio to work on the next ‘AAA’ title or see what it is like behind the scenes of creating a video game, this unit aims to give hands-on experience through a project-based approach to designing and creating a video game.

Course Code: S5IST -1

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in hardware construction and performance of personal computers and game design & the effect this has on a player. 

What Students Learn:
Practical and theory based activities are woven together so that all students can feel confident to disassemble, assemble, and/or upgrade a PC with the selection of the perfect parts to suit performance and budget factors. Plus explore Video Game Mechanics and the importance of ‘balance’

Gameplay and replayability, Narratives and Contemporary video game issues (eg. Microtransactions, ‘Style’ vs ‘Substance’, Sequels)


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Information Software Technology - 2026 (Yr 9 or 10) 

Get ready to dive into the future with our exciting new course: Programming and AI!

Programming with Python: Unleash Your Inner Coder!

Ever wondered how your favourite games, apps, and websites are made? In our Programming unit, you'll learn the secrets behind the screen by mastering Python, one of the world's most popular and easy-to-learn coding languages. You'll get to code your own projects, from creating simple games to designing your own adventures, tackling fun challenges that bring your ideas to life. With a focus on hands-on learning, you'll jump straight into coding with step-by-step guidance and plenty of practice, boosting your brainpower by solving puzzles and cracking codes. You'll think like a programmer in no time!

Artificial Intelligence: Shape the Future!

Step into the world of tomorrow with our AI unit, where you’ll explore the cutting-edge technology that's transforming our lives. You'll start by understanding the basics of AI, how it works, and where you encounter it every day—from smart assistants to self-driving cars. Through interactive projects, you'll experiment with AI tools and create your own AI-driven applications. You'll also learn prompt engineering, mastering the art of giving clear and effective instructions to AI systems to get the results you want.

Why You’ll Love This Course:

Use your creativity to build projects you’re passionate about while gaining real-world skills that are valuable for future jobs and school projects. Whether you’re a total newbie or have some coding experience, you’ll receive all the support you need to succeed in a friendly and encouraging environment. Join us for a journey into the world of Programming and AI, where you’ll learn to think like a tech wizard and create like a digital artist. The future is yours to shape—are you ready to take the leap?

Course Code: S5IST_2

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: This course is perfect for curious and creative students who are interested in technology and want to understand how the digital world works. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some coding experience, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to excel in both programming and AI. If you love solving problems, experimenting with new ideas, and bringing your own projects to life, this course is for you! 

What Students Learn:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Industrial Technology

 Industrial Technology allows students to ingage in project based learning that develops their knowledge and skills of technologies, techniques and materials related to specific focus areas.  Content explores industry expected knowledge including WHS and Emmerging Technologies.

Industrial Technology - Metal 1  (Yr 9 or 10)

Students will learn about a range of processes and production techniques used in the metals and engineering industry. Students will also investigate a range of career paths and the skills required. Students investigate Work Health and Safety (WHS) matters and related work environments while developing a range of skills that equip them for future learning for potential vocational pathways.

Course Code: S5ITM

Year Level & Semester: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None.

Suitability: Students who are interested in a project based learning working with sheet metal and welding technques

What Students Learn:

Through both theory and practical tasks students explore


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Industrial Technology - Metal 2  (Yr 10)

Students are continuing to advance their skills in the areas of welding and fabrication. Students will be able to extend themselves further with more challenging projects that will further develop their understanding of the processes and techniques used in the metal industry. 

Course Code: 10ITM

Year Level & Semester: Year 10,.

Prerequisites & Limitations: Students need to have completed Industrial Technology Metal 1.

Suitability: Students who are interested in a project based learning using welding techniques and machining

What Students Learn:
Through both theory and practical tasks students explore


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Industrial Technology - Timber  (Yr 9)

Technology Timber is to develop students' knowledge relating to current and emerging technologies within the Timber/Furniture Industry.  Students use various tools and equipment, materials and techniques to produce a variety of tasks. 

Course Code: 09ITT

Year Level: Year 9.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: Students who are interested in a project based learning working with timber

What Students Learn:
Students will develop skills through project-based learning in the design, planning, management and production of practical projects and a folio.


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no cost for standard projects

Industrial Technology - Timber (Yr 10)

This elective explores the knowledge and skills required for fine furniture and cabinetry making, it focuses on specific joining techniques and decorative processes.

Course Code: 10ITT

Year Level: Year 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability:  Students who are interested in a project based learning within the timber industry. 

What Students Learn:

To design and construction of 2 projects; each focussing on different types of joints and decorative techniques used in timber. Thesse may include Inlay and the decorative techniques of Marquetry.


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Textiles Technology

Textiles are integral, being used in all aspects of our everyday life. It can express our personality through clothing choices, impact moods through furnishing, be a means for finding mindfulness through creating, plus provide  functional purposes and protection. Through this course students explore the skills in making and manipulating, various applications, characteristics and properties of textiles.

Textiles 1 - (Yr 9 or 10 - 2025)

This module is design to provide students the foundation knowledge and skill to explore textiles design and making in a variety of applications from clothing and non-apparel to textile art.

Course Code: S5TTE_Texstiles 1

Year Level: Year 9 or 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: Students who are interested in learning about fibre/fabric manipulation, hand stitching and machine sewing skills

What Students Learn:

WHS, machine sewing skills, working both individually and collaboratively, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management, use of the design process.
Students will explore both theoretical and practical skill development through project based learning, this may include:


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:

Future Pathways:


Students are required to purchase material and notions to complete some  projects

Textiles 2 - (Yr 10 - 2026)

This module is designed to build on knowledge and skills of garment construction from woven and knitted fabrics, fabric decoration and fashion design.

Course Code: S5TTE_Textiles2

Year Level & Semester: Year 10.

Prerequisites & Limitations: Students need to have completed Textiles 1.

Suitability: Students who are interested in fashion design, garment construction and fibre manpulation

What Students Learn:

WHS, machine sewing skills, working both individually and collaboratively, specific technical vocabulary, resource and time management, use of the design process.


Students will complete the following assessment tasks throughout the semester:


Future Pathways:


Students are required to purchase material and notions to complete some  projects